Ship Changes!



  • There are a few people that have posted every third or fourth post in this thread. Calm down, please.

    If the prism change is such an issue, then perhaps it wasn't the best way to fix the issue.

    I would suggest a 10 minute aggressive action timer ala class switching, no boarding if Infamous or bounty/contract.

    Also, since everyone is so caught up on this abuse/not-abuse thing, there is something everyone should keep in mind. Nothing is abuse until it's actually abused. Luckily there haven't been many instances of abuse, but there have been some. (Bonko/Eari comes to mind, as does Dajio). If the game had 20 Dajio's running around, I can safely assume that lots more people would be calling it abuse. Just like was mentioned before, the administration thought Enfeeble/Absolve was fine, until it got abused and the outcry began. Thunderstorm most recently was in this same area, as it wasn't viewed as abuse until it was killing 12+ people in the spam on 3 seconds. Once it got used like that, it was considered abuse, and was attempted to be brought back in line accordingly.

    There has been a trend of picking 1 sentence out of a post and latching onto that as if that was the only substance of the post. Sarapis did say it wasn't considered abused. However, he did not agree to the current usage, and admitted that changes would be coming in this field. 

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    As if you haven't posted multiple times across two threads. It's not really your place to tell people how much they can or should post.

    As for the aggression timer, that has been mentioned on many occasions already with many of the pro-prismers completely ignoring it.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • @Atalkez I like your points. Just I really would hate to be unable to sail (my time on a ship is far more out of the harbour than in one) because someone took out a bounty on me. I would think the fact the bounty doesn't decay while on a ship would be sufficient. Perhaps making it so Infamy also doesn't decay while on a ship in a harbour would be fair?
  • Heh, just interesting that this thread is longer and has more view than the Dias of Creation thread for ship ideas and suggestions.
  • @Kayeil

    :) - okay girl.

    @Greys I can understand that to a certain extent. However, to get a bounty placed you have had to do something against the city in the first place. Actions have consequences. I think the bigger issue with that could be the fraudulent contracts, since there are far less restrictions on who can hire and why. 

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • edited November 2015
    @Atalkez That would keep me from ever joining a raid party if it risks me being cut off from sailing.
  • Infamous blocking boarding a ship wouldn't really work, since it's easy to get near-permanent infamous and then you'd just never be able to board a ship. That's beyond 'consequence' and just blocks off that part of the game entirely.
  • Kiet said:
    Infamous blocking boarding a ship wouldn't really work, since it's easy to get near-permanent infamous and then you'd just never be able to board a ship. That's beyond 'consequence' and just blocks off that part of the game entirely.
    Right. Infamy gain, perhaps, but then just an aggression timer would be better.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
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  • Either a method of breaking in (prism or not, maybe even a unique mechanic but that'd take more coder time) or a timer + contracts/bounties not ticking on ships would be ideal, I'd say.
  • Connecting Pk/Bounty to ship accesibility is a great start.Like @Atalkez said, actions have consequences..i would hate an attacker to go hide on a ship after causing trouble

  • I understood reasoning for all of the first round of ship changes except for this one:

    * Ship repairs will now halt with no captain or crew chief present or alive.

    Was this being somehow abused?  Not working as intended?  Not sure what was wrong with instructing your crew to repair the ship before leaving.  After all, it's an action performed by your denizen shipmates, not the player.

    For me, it's just a convenience thing.  Means I'll end up sitting around while I wait for the crew to work.  Totally possible I'm missing something though.  Hoping someone else knows why this change is being made?  Or maybe it'll be more clear with the future changes.

  • Speaking as somebody who afks on a ship, I could just log out but there are times when I'm busy with something else and I'll just leave achaea open and check it every few minutes. I've had plenty of conversations in tells this way, so to argue that saferooms only decrease interaction isn't true.
  • edited November 2015
    Kafziel (male Dwarf).
    He is 192 years old, having been born on the 10th of Sarapin, 506 years after the fall of the 
    Seleucarian Empire.
    He is ranked 235th in Achaea.
    He is an extremely credible character.
    He is one of the entrenched Infamous.
    He is considered to be approximately 80% of your might.
    He is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
    He has been divorced once.
    See HONOURS DEEDS KAFZIEL to view his 4 special honours.

    Kafziel said:
    Speaking as somebody who afks on a ship, I could just log out but there are times when I'm busy with something else and I'll just leave achaea open and check it every few minutes. I've had plenty of conversations in tells this way, so to argue that saferooms only decrease interaction isn't true.

    This is why this is an issue. You're completely impervious to any retribution for your actions by boarding a ship.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • You're implying that I am always on my ship which isn't true. I afk on clouds often when I'm paying attention, I have people chase me around semi regularly but I'm a serpent so I just evade and phase.

    Why does somebody being inaccessible to you but able to talk on ooc clans or in tells make you so upset? Just pretend I am logged out when I am on my ship. I am completely untouchable when I am logged out but you don't want that changed.
  • Kafziel said:
    You're implying that I am always on my ship which isn't true. I afk on clouds often when I'm paying attention, I have people chase me around semi regularly but I'm a serpent so I just evade and phase.

    Why does somebody being inaccessible to you but able to talk on ooc clans or in tells make you so upset? Just pretend I am logged out when I am on my ship. I am completely untouchable when I am logged out but you don't want that changed.
    This makes no logical sense.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Kazuya said:

    I understood reasoning for all of the first round of ship changes except for this one:

    * Ship repairs will now halt with no captain or crew chief present or alive.

    Was this being somehow abused?  Not working as intended?  Not sure what was wrong with instructing your crew to repair the ship before leaving.  After all, it's an action performed by your denizen shipmates, not the player.

    For me, it's just a convenience thing.  Means I'll end up sitting around while I wait for the crew to work.  Totally possible I'm missing something though.  Hoping someone else knows why this change is being made?  Or maybe it'll be more clear with the future changes.

    I don't understand why one has to assume command or be appointed chief now, actually. As a captain of my ship and with permissions of others, it just seems kind of silly to take the extra step of having to assume commad or become crew chief just to start repairs. Not a huge deal, just one of the convenience things that makes you wonder why it was changed, but maybe it ties in to some other changes we haven't seen yet.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • edited November 2015
    Why not? I go to my ship at times I would otherwise log out, to leave open the possibility of talking shit to aegoth on a clan or to receive a tell back from someone I have been waiting to connect with. Neither of these actions are harming you, and they're the only difference between me being on my ship or logged out 

    Edit @Atalkez

    To be clear I would be fine with an aggressive action cool down for ships. Also the prism change was annoying on one level but exciting on another level for me so I am not overly  opposed to that kind of change either. I just don't get the entitlement you're displaying here
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Kafziel said:
    You're implying that I am always on my ship which isn't true. I afk on clouds often when I'm paying attention, I have people chase me around semi regularly but I'm a serpent so I just evade and phase.

    Why does somebody being inaccessible to you but able to talk on ooc clans or in tells make you so upset? Just pretend I am logged out when I am on my ship. I am completely untouchable when I am logged out but you don't want that changed.
    I have to agree. Soon phase, blackwind, astralform, untouchable temple rooms, and everything else is going to get nerfed to the ground with this type of thinking because you shouldn't be allowed to run from consequences and must handle it immediately whenever someone who is coming after you wants you to. Apparently you must be allowed to break into anything and have the potential to steal from everyone and any place they go, but not allowed to hide. I find this interesting where you'll find really successful PKers like Jhui and Seragorn who find their targets just fine eventually, and yet neither of them are coming up going on about how everyone should be open to PK every moment if they've done something. A lot of PKers aren't saying anything, and I think that's because there are the ones who'll wait you out and just when you think it's safe to poke your head out they sneak up on your ass and get you.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • edited November 2015
    Your point seems to indicate that people should suspend their RP so you can afk or quasi-afk. You also seem to think that you should be able to do whatever you want, then run to a spot where you can literally never be touched.

    Every post defending ships status quo so far, has been centred around a dressed-up way to afk. If you want to afk then you can journal, or write a letter...or just qq. Logging out and sitting on your ship are not at all the same thing.

    I don't agree with any of these premises in the slightest, and have voiced as much. It's not that it makes me upset, it's just not believable for my character. If you backstab some Ashtani newb and pwn him, then run to your ship, I'm supposed to suddenly believe you've qq'd? That doesn't make sense to me.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    Your point seems to indicate that people should suspend their RP so you can afk or quasi-afk. You also seem to think that you should be able to do whatever you want, then run to a spot where you can literally never be touched.

    Every post defending ships status quo so far, has been centred around a dressed-up way to afk. If you want to afk then you can journal, or write a letter...or just qq. Logging out and sitting on your ship are not at all the same thing.

    I don't agree with any of these premises in the slightest, and have voiced as much. It's not that it makes me upset, it's just not believable for my character. If you backstab some Ashtani newb and pwn him, then run to your ship, I'm supposed to suddenly believe you've qq'd? That doesn't make sense to me.
    If I backstab an Ashtani noob and qq 2 minutes later do you suspend your rp? Or are you saying your rp is 'x is around I must kill them'? The fact of the matter is there are going to be times when your targets are unavailable from an rp perspective. What does it matter if they're on a ship or whatever the handwaved rp justification is for qqing? 
  • If you can't understand the difference in being on your ship and being qq'd, then I really don't think me going point-by-point is going to change that.

    I've yet to see a single good reason why ships should be impenetrable, that hasn't been based on "but I want to afk".

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    The whole point of AFKing on ships is so I can see when something interesting worth un-AFKing for is happening!

    Letters/journals suck for that

  • ShirszaeShirszae Santo Domingo
    I don't really see the point of arguing this anymore, myself.  I am just eagerly waiting for more of the changes. 

    And you won't understand the cause of your grief...

    ...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.

  • You're all wrong cuddlers.

  • edited November 2015
    If anyone has the energy left it would be interesting to see a side be side comparison of the pros and cons for each stance. I can see the 'against prisms' give a few reasons to support but not a lot for the 'for prisms' who's main point is everyone should be accessible at all times. I'd like to here from they vocally for what they'd do once they prismed onto a ship.

    I personally am against prisming and was glad it was changed back. For all the finger pointing that people just use their ship to hide in or afk there are also people who use it to bolster their roles.

    The cabin of my ship is Tahquil's home. It's a very personal space and I use it as an office and home. With prisming I wouldn't feel comfortable going into that room at all. If that room was on the mainland at least I could totem up and buy no prism room upgrade. Maybe if these two options were open to ships there would be less mouth frothing.

  • Ill tell them some random guy from a text game pities them..they'll be elated!

    At least you responded more constructive and orderly..thanx

  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Really? Have you listened to Daeir across two threads ranting and calling people names? Calling people fucks, acting like Sarapis and the admins have no idea what's good for their game, amongst other things. His last post was probably the most calm he's been other than saying he pities Gamden's staff.

    Makes me ever wonder what happened to what he said in this thread:
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

This discussion has been closed.