ANNOUNCE NEWS #4449 (11/05/2015 at 19:12)
From : Tecton the Terraformer
To : Everyone
Subject: Ships and seafaring update
Alongside our previous bug reports, we've just implemented our first
massive batch of ship and seafaring changes! We'll have many more changes to
come, but for now, I present:
* Ship and seamonster movement in range of your vessel will now show that
movement via forced map updates. This does not occur while your ship is in a
harbour, or while in a ship race.
* SHIPWARNING will now show a direction when a vessel WAVECALLs away.
* Verbal commands on ships can no longer be done while a soul.
* Ship repairs will now halt with no captain or crew chief present or alive.
* Salvaged ships now have a safe window after being salvaged that will
prevent further loss if re-sunk.
* Prism tattoos will now work from harbour to docked ship, or docked ship
to docked ship in the same harbour (the usual prism blocks still apply).
* SHIPRETURN will now only work to ships that are not in a harbour.
* Flares and seamarks now handle locations in the southern hemisphere
* Winds in the southern hemisphere are now far more sensical and accurate.
* The roughness of the seas on the southern hemisphere has been reduced.
* Many dozens of other small bugfixes and inconsistencies have been corrected.
Additionally, we've pretty much rewritten the entirety of the back-end
mapping/ship location code to fully account for seamless transition between the
northern and southern hemispheres. While we have not encountered any issues in
testing, they may still pop up live (as they have a tendency to do). If you
encounter anything not working as intended, please file a BUG with as much
information as possible, and we'll get it fixed up.
Penned by My hand on the 25th of Chronos, in the year 697 AF.
convenience wise people are going to whine and bitch but I think it (ideally, maybe not the way people will see it from being biased at how it was) is:
I know this is not a popular point of view. I'm for it though. I want to shoot me some pirates and defend shiprunners.
The change to allowing ships get prismed to in harbours? Wow. Thinking of selling my ship now. It was the one place I could work on stuff without getting bothered at all and couldn't be forced into interaction with others and couldn't be forced into conflict if I didn't want it. One place I could store things, especially important valuables. This wasn't a cheap thing either. You have to buy the ship, the upgrades, the crew, and then constantly keep the crew happy and keep your ship from sinking in harbour. Sure you can build and put a no-prism on the rooms, but seriously... that's pretty expensive on a vessel that is already expensive.
Thumbs down to both of these changes. I mean really, do the pirates and thieves honestly need more room to take from us? I don't think they do.
But seriously, I really dislike the prism change as well as the shipreturn one. I think a better change would have been to make shipreturn cost a hefty amount of figurehead power so that people can't just shipreturn willy-nilly without having to sail some, but this blanket making it impossible will just make people not want to sail at all...
And you won't understand the cause of your grief...
...But you'll always follow the voices beneath.
Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
Honestly, and this is just my opinion you don't have to agree or be mean about it, but this is one of the worst changes in Achaea I've seen since I started playing.
The ship return change bites. Some people transed seafaring just for ship return, and it's rescued me from many a position where I have no other way of getting out.
The prism change though? That's HUGE. My ship is no longer a home, it's just a thing to get me from A to B. I spent over 8 million gold to get both of those, not just one. Very very unhappy.
The shipreturn, if they're going to nerf it into the ground like that, they could at least let us shipreturn to more ships. Now -that- would encourage ship combat.
The ship has no practical use for me now. If I leave my things in the cabin, I may not be able to get to them. If I go fishing, I may maroon someone. If I go there to read, I may get ganked, safer to be in a city. If I go to an island, I may deny the owner access or trap her into going on a trip with me. And then she might maroon me.
Guess the administration is only interesting in having the handful of people who is interested in ship combat out sailing. Not that it surprises me
BUT I like that it eviscerates the shipafk aspect.
No more lazy floating fortresses used as quick teleporters or impervious safe rooms/ afk rooms to run and hide from game consequences. No more stirring up crap at sea then smugly hiding in port when the hammer falls. SAIL THOSE BITCHES PPL OR FACE THE TERRORS OF THE ALMIGHTY PRISM TATTOO.
This may not be the change we want but it's the change we deserve.
good change. Too many people (including myself) have used ships as a convenient shipreturn to islands such as Tuar or Zaphar for their commodity shops, then entered wilderness to Gare/urn back to mainland (since there is no gare restriction from the wilderness even on remote islands)
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
I recently bought the Shop of Wonders bronze token... I've used it less than 5 times. This is now near useless. Can we change the token so that instead of decreasing the ship return time by half it allows you to ship return to a ship that is in harbour? As is this artifact seriously just got nerfed into near completely uselessness. I'm never going to be shipreturning or using a token to rescue me because I'm never going to be abandoning my ship out in the middle of the ocean.
Ship repairs - meh, I can deal with that, just have to start the repairs when I board instead of right before I disembark
Prism change- understandable, stops some AFKers and makes it less private, which is not all that bad. If prisms are allowed, portals and track should be allowed. They should allow No Prism to be added to ships.
This is going to cut back significantly on seafaring, not increase it. You see people sailing to and from islands because they plan on parking there and hunting for a RL week or so and ship return and token back and forth 7+ times before moving their ship elsewhere. If they can't get back to the mainland then they've got to decide to invest 5-6 hours playing a single-player game of sailing, hunting, then sailing back all the while risking getting attacked by monsters or pirates... yeah, there will be a lot less sailing.
A huge amount of functionality is being removed from so expensive and demanding an asset.
Every bit of excitement I had about ship changes disappeared. I know powers that be are working hard on these things, and I appreciate their work, but these two things are making me reconsider one of my favorite activities. I hope there's more to this in the changes that are still to come.
Fix that somehow and I have no problem with these changes.
Site: https://github.com/trevize-achaea/scripts/releases
Thread: http://forums.achaea.com/discussion/4064/trevizes-scripts
Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
If they're going to change ships so drastically, at least make housing more safe than it is. Or less expensive to make it safe. But it's still not the same because people can abuse the hell out of housing if you forget to put down eye sigils when they decay. Have seen this happen too many times.