Mayalogy, anyone?

This is pretty amazing, but what if everyone just run when you popped destructive? And yes, there is a 3rd party message. I thought it should be removed...(well we could still pop that out of room though).

Death is certain, burst-able which is good. What should I ask... Anyone used and loved it? Under what circumstances do you use it?


  • Proficy's used it a fair bit. Can deny kills with it, too, if it pops at the right time.

  • Cynlael said:
    Proficy's used it a fair bit. Can deny kills with it, too, if it pops at the right time.
    "deny kills with it", what do you mean?
  • Dochitha said:
    Cynlael said:
    Proficy's used it a fair bit. Can deny kills with it, too, if it pops at the right time.
    "deny kills with it", what do you mean?
    Kill yourself so they don't get the kill, I imagine.
    Current scripts: GoldTracker 1.2, mData 1.1
    Latest update: 9/26/2015 better character name handling in GoldTracker, separation of script and settings, addition of gold report and gold distribute aliases.
  • Yes. If mayology kills you before they can, it will deny them the deathsight, exp, and what not.

  • Cynlael said:
    Yes. If mayology kills you before they can, it will deny them the deathsight, exp, and what not.
    Oh dear...thought this shouldn't be the purpose of Mayalogy...
  • No different from bladesuicide... Only difference is that it gives you a very likely chance of being able to kill them in the process, as well :P

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