Player Pics



  • What derpy dog  =)
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."

  • Friends convinced me to do a face reveal. So here I am

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • Here is one of me seeking the healing embrace of wax Nic Cage. No one can convince me of a better actor  :p 
  • And a bonus vacation pic

  • Aaaand a final updated photo of me at the print shop.

  • What hair?

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • Aralaya said:
    What hair?
    He got the hair transplanted from his head, to his face.
  • Never trust a man with an upside down head

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • You have tattoos of teeth on your thighs? Welp, not brushing my teeth ever again
  • HataruHataru Midwest USA
    edited October 2017
    Is that what it'll take to get you to listen to my very professional(tm) advice, Aegoth?
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
  • You'll never take my teeth alive!

    grabs pliers

    Tecton-Today at 6:17 PM

    teehee b.u.t.t. pirates
  • HataruHataru Midwest USA
    edited October 2017
    Aralaya said:
    You'll never take my teeth alive!

    grabs pliers
    (edit: oh good heavens that was large)

    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
  • edited October 2017
    Hataru said:
    So I know I talked about how I was going to give a very professional paper on a very professional topic (archaeology in WoW) in a pretty cool place (Maastricht, Netherlands) and I meant to post pretty photos of Leiden/Maastricht/Amsterdam but then a hurricane happened the day I flew home.

    So instead of that because I'm lazy and talked about it enough so I ought to show off, here is 1 awkwardly awful side photo of me yelling about how Blizzard won't answer my questions about a few dev decisions they made

    That's pretty rad! I'm really curious to know what your presentation entailed. I always enjoyed Archeology but felt it's been in a rocky place lately.

    I also used WoW as my topic of choice in one of my Media Theory classes back in college. The premise of the class was to take a medium and apply it to a media theory, coming together in a 30 page paper.

    I believe I chose a theory about behavior and personality and used WoW as a vehicle to survey players on why they chose the class roles they play but also what motivates them to play.

    It was neat to collect data and see why certain personalities love to tank, heal, or dps. And also why some play just to explore, for achievement, as an escape etc. I think I did about 100 surveys total on two different servers, plus on campus surveys.

    I got an A for the presentation but it was ONLY due to sheer luck and quick thinking. I accidentally emailed myself the wrong PowerPoint so I had to do everything off the cuff for about ten minutes. Never was I ever so nervous in my life...until my Senior film graduation project.
  • HataruHataru Midwest USA
    Xias said:
    Hataru said:
    So I know I talked about how I was going to give a very professional paper on a very professional topic (archaeology in WoW) in a pretty cool place (Maastricht, Netherlands) and I meant to post pretty photos of Leiden/Maastricht/Amsterdam but then a hurricane happened the day I flew home.

    So instead of that because I'm lazy and talked about it enough so I ought to show off, here is 1 awkwardly awful side photo of me yelling about how Blizzard won't answer my questions about a few dev decisions they made

    That's pretty rad! I'm really curious to know what your presentation entailed. I always enjoyed Archeology but felt it's been in a rocky place lately.

    I also used WoW as my topic of choice in one of my Media Theory classes back in college. The premise of the class was to take a medium and apply it to a media theory, coming together in a 30 page paper.

    I believe I chose a theory about behavior and personality and used WoW as a vehicle to survey players on why they chose the class roles they play but also what motivates them to play.

    It was neat to collect data and see why certain personalities love to tank, heal, or dps. And also why some play just to explore, for achievement, as an escape etc. I think I did about 100 surveys total on two different servers, plus on campus surveys.

    I got an A for the presentation but it was ONLY due to sheer luck and quick thinking. I accidentally emailed myself the wrong PowerPoint so I had to do everything off the cuff for about ten minutes. Never was I ever so nervous in my life...until my Senior film graduation project.
    So my current research, and hopefully my PhD dissertation, generally focus around the use of digital tools as public outreach and accessible training in the field of archaeology specifically - but my research design is formatted so that what I do can hopefully be used and applied by other sciences as well.

    The WoW project has basically three components:
    1) Making a digital archive of all artefacts in the game
    + Purpose: archiving the intersection of lore
    2) Making a digital archive of what you gain from artefacts and how individual players interact with them
    + Purpose: overall, how interacting with archaeology in the game can shape your view of archaeology and how lore works in a digital space
    3) Looking at the place of archaeology in WoW
    + Purpose: noting things like representation of repatriation (I've done a conference presentation previously in Japan on that) and 'grey areas' of archaeology like throwing away artefacts (what the last presentation was on).

    Overall its been super fun and someone actually wants to interview me about the first thing up there cause its basically me making a digital museum out of archaeology in WoW. Its also been a really cool experience and some of the other people who do archaeogaming (our fun little subfield name) have been nudging me that I should do one on "archaeology" of Achaea (basically looking at things like... uh the items in Mhaldor's museum and inventorying them and their purpose as 'artefacts' rather than relics and how that influences how people interact with the game lore etc.) because we're all super nerds and they like to make fun of me for playing MUDs.
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
  • HataruHataru Midwest USA
    I'm not even going to edit the post. Fuck me I spelled it artefacts in that whole response not artifacts because of this damn game omg. #archaeologistfail
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
  • Antonius said:
    Atalkez said:
    I can see it now.

    ”Sup girl, when are you gonna let me floss those teeth?”

    If what you have to offer resembles floss it's probably best to keep quiet.
    Lmao true true

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Hataru said:
    I'm not even going to edit the post. Fuck me I spelled it artefacts in that whole response not artifacts because of this damn game omg. #archaeologistfail
    Hehe, it's all good--I'm so used to similar word situations such as Fairy/Faerie that my mind just corrects it all automatically.

    The topic is very interesting! What have you researched thus far that you found most surprising?

    I love Archeology as a skill in WoW (my friends think I'm mad) and have often thought it would be a neat addition in Achaea, though I suppose Talismans fill that role to an extent (collecting parts to create a final item of value). It would be neat if Delos had a neutral museum that allowed for cities to complete projects and submit them for display as well. There is an almost bottomless amount of lore in game to support the function, plus it spurs on competition.

    Please also tell me you'll include 6 pages detailing why the drop rate of Scepter from the Tol'vir is bullshit, hahaha!
  • Not gonna lie.

    All this time I thought Hataru was a dentist or something, which is why her being a Mhaldorian made perfect sense.
  • HataruHataru Midwest USA
    edited October 2017
    Nah, fuck little kid who bite. Dead people don't bite you and they stay nice and still.

    Also fuck taking orgo chem, I don't wanna take orgo chem.
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Melodie says, "Get rekt scrubbbbb."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): You say, "Scrubbbssss."
    (Mhaldor's Next Top Model): Trey says, "Austere was hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride, apparently."
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