Player Pics



  • Dressed up for Bassnectar (I'm the guy dressed up. My brother is on the right side of the picture):


  • @Mannimar I used to have a border collie/australian shepherd mix that looked just like it. She was far and away the best dog I've ever had.

    Now I miss her and I'm sad :(
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    I  cannot believe none of the manly men of Achaea have mentioned No Shave November yet. We are already four days in!
    DAY 4
    My beard grows slowly...
  • Oreo is her name... she's down right neurotic, and it's depressing. My last collie was great with people (hated mailmen, and flashing lights). We have a family friend who is a deep baritone, and if he's quiet for a little while and then speaks, my dog craps in fear. She barks at the wind too, but if you can get her to warm up to you, she'll never forget you... 

    Until you talk like Herbert from family guy...
  • Vayne said:
    I  cannot believe none of the manly men of Achaea have mentioned No Shave November yet. We are already four days in!
    DAY 4
    My beard grows slowly...
    My hubby is doing this - but just growing the moustache. I end up teasing him about how it looks like the start of a bad 70s porno 'stache, but he still won't grow the rest of it. :(

    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to? You will never find that [everlasting] life for which you are looking. When the gods created man they allotted to him death, but life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things; day and night, night and day, dance and be merry, feast and rejoice. Let your clothes be fresh, bathe yourself in water, cherish the little child that holds your hand, and make your wife happy in your embrace; for this too is the lot of man." 

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Mustaches are for raising awareness for prostate cancer!
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    edited November 2012
    @Vayne, I understand the meaning of NSN, but... I go No Shave NEVER.

    (and don't feel bad about slow growth. Least it's a full beard, unlike my Native blood beard)

    EDIT:That is not a booger, it's my septum piercing.
  • I shave  because I can't pull off that stage between 'beardless' and 'bearded'.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Dude, just don't shave. You'll make the stage of bearded soon. Unless you're me. Then you'll make "messedupbearded" or "Joe Dirt Goatee"
  • Ohmygodadorable.
  • image
    That's a paper towel underneath it because it was -really- easy to (literally) scare the crap out if it.
  • ZOMG AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -swoons- 

    Saturday night I was stumbling drunkenly home with my boyfriend and came across a baby echidna. Your spiny thinks are so much more adorable. The End, by Tahquil
  • edited November 2012
    I felt like I was being followed...
  • Bwhahahaha
  • Girls that participate in "No shave November" coincidentally participate in "No D December"
  • Cinya said:
    Vayne said:
     No Shave November 
    Also known as "No Sex November", at least if I ever dated someone who participated in this. The first week is fair game since scruff is acceptable, but after that you're on your own until December 1. 

    Agree, 100%. Facial hair is the furthest from sexy.
  • Baby pictures!


    It's amazing how i've gone from this 


    to this, and finally to this..


    Do you guys have any baby pics to share? It's very interesting to see how people grow and change..
  • If sexuality were influenced by anything other than genetics, that would have turned me gay, @Daslin. Thanks for nothing. :(
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Paper Mario is great. Turoi is disturbing.
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    ..that damned Turoi..

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • Facial hair is gross. That's why I rock it Legolas style. No pics, though. Sorry. ;)
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Speaking of dudes with really long hair, I know a Dutch guy called Jitse. This other guy once saw him from behind (he rocks it Legolas style too) and said "Wow that chick is hot."

    It was really awkward telling him.

    Tvistor said:
    Speaking of dudes with really long hair, I know a Dutch guy called Jitse. This other guy once saw him from behind (he rocks it Legolas style too) and said "Wow that chick is hot."

    It was really awkward telling him.

    Uh yeah getting catcalls is the downside of long hair.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
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