Player Pics



  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    edited October 2012
    @Ourania, I have to respectfully disagree.
    As I have this, as evidence!


    EDIT: Also, rats are best of all. My lil man hangs out and plays Achaea with me.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Your rat is likely a animagus that's monitoring the right chance to come back to Achaea.
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Don't you say that about Master Splinter. He won't leave my shoulder when I'm playing.
  • I'm having a .. somewhat good... hair day


  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    edited October 2012
    Greetings from the east coast, Sandy isn't too bad over here so far, but my brother, a couple of his friends, and I decided to head out to the point and brave the 60+ mph winds, rain, and biting brine spray. It was pretty exhilarating.
    Me a bit red in the face from the pelting rain and sea water

    Some sea birds and a crazy boater in Narragansett Sound

    One of my several little brothers.

  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    Real quick question to the ladies, how many of you find the slicked back look to be nice on guys? (Mike Ness, for example.)
  • Like most things, some people can pull it off and some can't. In general, I don't have a problem with it.
  • Eh, Vayne's a regular old John Steinbeck out there in the eye of the storm. I am impressed. Got caught in Irene last time a hurricane came up the coast, but I'm far away now. I kind of liked it, despite worries of being swept off the road by the flash floods that were happening every few thousand yards.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Gods...Vayne is one of those 'thrillseekers' I've been seeing on the news all day. 

  • Took this at night. So a little bit of fun Photoshopping later:

    We got bored, so we made an angel.

    Yes... she is serenading us.
  • Kyrra said:


    My furry boy child.

    I love that so many people have ACDs here.  It's kinda awesome :D 
  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    @Faolin He is two years old now and so lovely.


    He's grown from cute into handsome!
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • @Kyyra - my girls! 

    Ripley, hoping I won't notice that not only is she in my bed, she's on my damn pillows. 

    Bob, supremely happy she's getting to go in the car somewhere! (The vet's, incidentally) 

    Bob sleeping on our old sofa <3 

    Ripley, and Bob when Ripples was a baby. 

    I am over the moon for them.  I'd like another.  Blue, and male. He shall be Winston. 
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    @Kresslack as the kids say these days "YOLO."

    @Mannimar Holy crap.

    @Everyonepostingdogpics Dogs rule.
  • Saphyria said:
    Hi, guys!  It's been a while since I posted, been very busy lately, what with work and attempting to get my modeling career started.  Figured I'd pop by and say hello, I miss interacting with all of you!  Here's a pretty recent picture of me being me:


    And for any of those who would like to take a peek at my portfolio thus far, I would be more than happy to provide a link to do so. :)

    Methinks you could use a tissue.
    I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
  • Xith said:
    Methinks you could use a tissue.
    Hahaha, my sister has that same piercing, and we're constantly offering her tissues because "there seems to be something in your nose." Hopefully Saphyria has a better sense of humour about it than my sister. :P
  • TuroiTuroi Missouri :(
    edited October 2012

    My pit pup. She few weeks older now and whole lot thicker


    my scarface kitty.. he gets into fights..

    "Slowly disappear. Never really here."

  • KyrraKyrra Australia
    @Turoi, your kitty looks like my character in Skyrim.
    (D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."

  • SaphyriaSaphyria Upstate, NY
    edited October 2012
    Tania said:

    Xith said:
    Methinks you could use a tissue.

    Hahaha, my sister has that same piercing, and we're constantly offering her tissues because "there seems to be something in your nose." Hopefully Saphyria has a better sense of humour about it than my sister. :P

    I can honestly say I've never heard this one before. :/ But it did make me giggle.
  • Tania said:

    Xith said:
    Methinks you could use a tissue.

    Hahaha, my sister has that same piercing, and we're constantly offering her tissues because "there seems to be something in your nose." Hopefully Saphyria has a better sense of humour about it than my sister. :P

    'Snot funny!

  • Kyrra said:

    @Turoi, your kitty looks like Hitler.

  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Goggo said:

    The wifey and our two girls :)

    Cute girls (wife too!).  The husky (is that right) is transfixing me, halp
  • Achilles said:
    Goggo said:

    The wifey and our two girls :)

    Cute girls (wife too!).  The husky (is that right) is transfixing me, halp
    Thats definitely Deliverance,  not Transfix.
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