


  • @Amorie which version of svof? Is gmcp on? The mapper is not part of svof, so that suggests a more overarching issue. Can you make a log? Often times we can glean more information from those than from a description (which is still needed, otherwise we may not see all issues).
  • some general observations i have about svof, i started using svof here because i wanted to get into the game faster. my plan was to work on my offense first and have svof cover my defense until i got the the point where i was familiar with the class match ups to have an idea for what i want my own defensive system would look like.

    i also like the politics system and how much useful information it gave me. i have been trying to find ways to separate the politics system from the curing system but it has been very difficult. the backend of svof is not very user friendly. it is very obfuscating and hard for a user to to disable individual modules. there are many reasons this may be so.

    one reason may be that svof is not just useful for giving political information to users but also taking users private information and returning it back to the distributor. my concerns may be unfounded but after considering this as a possibility i have decided to stop using svof completely.
    spread positivity
  • edited October 2016
    Vender said:
    but also taking users private information and returning it back to the distributor.
    That would get the ban hammer so, so hard, so fast. Just... wow...

    No it's not newbie friendly, but certainly is more user friendly than most of the others. I've been able to learn more about mudlet coding with svof than my 10 years in other muds by just applying myself and figuring it out as I go.

    How can you tell it's doing that if you can't figure out the system yourself?
  • @Vender are you talking about the name database? Because if so... yeah... it can be kinda weird.

    Also I don't think the system is sending anything to the 'distributor' which is basically... a consortium led by some of the most awesome people ever.

  • like i said i can't tell and i didn't claim it was doing it. just that i personally do not wish to use it any longer.
    spread positivity
  • Vender said:
    like i said i can't tell and i didn't claim it was doing it. just that i personally do not wish to use it any longer.
    I felt that way when I first started using other people systems. I was thinking 'omg what kind of backend bullshit do they have to see all my keystrokes and steal my life'...

    I gotcha :)

  • @Keneanung it's svof v23 from about 7 days ago, gmcp is on, and I've never made a log before so you'd have to tell me how lol i'm like uber noob when it comes to this kinda stuff XD I do use Mudlet 3.0 as well
  • @Amorie Highlight whatever you need to show someone, right click on it and click Copy HTML. Then go to, paste the html code in the box, and click.. I think it's HTML Copy button on the bottom, then Paste. It'll show as a fully coloured and formatted log that way.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • @Vender as I told you already in person, the reason that it's hard to separate is the use of internal utility functions. If I trues to distribute them individually, I'd either have to copy functions (with all the issues that copied code brings), or release a "core" package, which makes for dependencies that a user has to resolve by himself (for now, but that's another side project).

    Additionally sending user data somewhere would be very hard with mudlet. You could do so in-game, but I am pretty sure the admins would notice that really quick. Another way would be through another channel like web calls. Again two options here with current mudlet: HTTP GET calls through download file (very clunky because you'd have to send all data through URL parameters, which are limited) or luadocket (needs to be installed by the user). And since svof is open source and a number of people are looking through the code, this wouldn't be hidden long either.

    Nevertheless you raise a valid concern: you get something for free that eats up a lot of resources. Now we know nothing is really "for free" these days. So what do you pay with for the maintenance of svof? It's your patience. I am currently the sole maintainer (as long as the Legion fever burns in @Ahmet), I have to work, family and other obligations, and sometimes I want to play as well. So I do changes on a best effort basis, often prioritizing the issues that hit me most (yes, I am that selfish). That means you need patience until your issue is fixed or you need to fix it yourself and hopefully contribute back.

    All that said, you still don't need to trust me, but even hinting that I'd misuse the trust of the svof users hurts.

  • i mean no illwill against you. the idea i put forth is far-fetched yes, but it does happen in other games.
    spread positivity
  • I just downloaded and installed the newest Blademaster package last night too. Everything worked fine. 

  • @Amorie - Weird, it worked just fine when I installed for my BM. 

  • Have mac, installed in test on 2.1 worked fine, 3.0 whole things udders up. I think the 3.0 might be your issue?
  • So I made a new profile again and this time everything works o.O not sure what the deal was with my old profile but I appreciate the help you guys gave me ^_^ thank you.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    edited October 2016
    So I'm getting errors when SvoF tries to call the 'svo got aff' and 'svo lost aff' events:
    <div>[ERROR:] object:<event handler function> function:<AutoFit>
             <attempt to call a boolean value></div>
    This occurs any time a script using those event handlers would have fired. Other event-based scripts appear to be working fine, so it seems localized to these two events. I'm not familiar enough with the back-end of the system to go digging around, can someone take a look to make sure everything's all right there?
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • That diesn't sound like an svof issue at all. Instead you should have a look, whether the callback(s) or any functiin uswd within got overwritten by a bool value as the  error message suggest. I'd start looking in the AutoFit script.

    Mudlet won't run event handlers that come after a handler that errors out.
  • Szanthax said:
    Vender said:
    like i said i can't tell and i didn't claim it was doing it. just that i personally do not wish to use it any longer.
    I felt that way when I first started using other people systems. I was thinking 'omg what kind of backend bullshit do they have to see all my keystrokes and steal my life'...

    I gotcha :)
    I had it set up in a couple of my scripts that I used to sell, if you weren't supposed to have it, it'd gag messaging me, and then would make heartstop. Wasn't traceable at the time because I broke the command up into a bunch of misleading variable names and concatenated them into a silent send that looked like it was tied into the systems, and then blocked all inputs until you died. I gave up the practice once I got a little older and realized making credits was nice, but open source, with optional donations was a better way to go.
  • Patroklos said:
    Szanthax said:
    Vender said:
    like i said i can't tell and i didn't claim it was doing it. just that i personally do not wish to use it any longer.
    I felt that way when I first started using other people systems. I was thinking 'omg what kind of backend bullshit do they have to see all my keystrokes and steal my life'...

    I gotcha :)
    I had it set up in a couple of my scripts that I used to sell, if you weren't supposed to have it, it'd gag messaging me, and then would make heartstop. Wasn't traceable at the time because I broke the command up into a bunch of misleading variable names and concatenated them into a silent send that looked like it was tied into the systems, and then blocked all inputs until you died. I gave up the practice once I got a little older and realized making credits was nice, but open source, with optional donations was a better way to go.
    Dang you gangsta

  • After half of a month in "testing", I'm releasing the next version of svof. This one holds two line changes for defenses, one that shouldn't be actually needed due to gmcp, but there seem to be issues there how we are handling it...

    Full Changelog

    Merged pull requests:

  • curious if this is a thing for anybody else or if there's a fix out there already, or maybe I even just missed it in the svo manual... I am having issue with the battlerage msgs showing up on the left side - beginning of my prompt line, as opposed to how they normally appeared on the right side - tacked onto the end. Is there a quick fix, or a svo key to use in my custom prompt?
  • I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe an example would help.
  • @Keneanung you tease. I thought this was a DW update :(
  • @Ahmet and I are working on it. Defenses are probably done, afflictions are being worked on. Will Create a "testing" release as soon as we got it all afflictions done.
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    @Keneanung defenses are pushed for your PR. I have gmcp aff/def fixes ready to go (I think?), but they's not pushed and I'm super smashed and I plan to stay so for the forseeable future so I aint makin promises about it
    Huh. Neat.
  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    edited November 2016
    Bounties for @Keneanung and @Ahmet  when I get  back online. do  with  them what you will

  • Szanthax said:
    Bounties for @Keneanung and @Amunet  when I get  back online. do  with  them what you will
    @Ahmet you're now a girl.
  • Ryzeth said:
    Szanthax said:
    Bounties for @Keneanung and @Amunet  when I get  back online. do  with  them what you will
    @Ahmet you're now a girl.
    Fixed!!! ... phone...  Just do @a and  then click lol

  • Szanthax said:
    Bounties for @Keneanung and @Ahmet  when I get  back online. do  with  them what you will
    transfer complete.... glad i could remember to do this instead of just saying i'd do it :/

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Jeepers mister! Thanks!
    Huh. Neat.
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