The Xorani



  • edited October 2012
    When confronted by hulking monsters from another planet, there is only one option.
  • Also wanted to add that I really appreciate Melodie and Silas and the few others who made an effort to get me up to speed and/or involved in the very short and laggy time I could stay logged in.  That was really awesome of you.
  • The event so far has been a really solid bit of writing, and it's doing a good job of conveying a real gritty sort of atmosphere.  I'm really looking forward to seeing it unfold.

    That said, I know a few people are really unhappy with the brazier-bashing of the army there while the gods were gone, so I thought I'd weigh my bit in here: that's exactly what I would expect my character to do.  It's exactly what he did when Jeramun spammed the hell out of deathsight back when Hthrak opened up: he went in there and he fought it head on (and consequently one-shot it with a world-shattering critical, one of my finest luck moments and probably the reason Jeramun got criticals disabled real quick-like).  It's what he did during the Nurazar event when giant lead golems stomped around.  That's sort of what Penwize's history has been: see a nigh-insurmountable challenge that's killing a lot of people and find a way to topple it.  A small army, 200-strong, sitting on a hostile world that is decimating explorers?  You better believe he'd be on top of that.  And really, whoever it was that made the army return twice as large to totally crush us: awesome response.  Kind of sad I didn't get any sort of larger reply to it, but overall it was a good response and a good way to tell me (as a player) to leave it alone.  I had fun with it, even if there weren't any gods around to play it out.  I, and the other bashers like me, would like to see more of that sort of thing I think.  We had fun with it.
  • I can appreciate that, and I appreciate you taking the time to explain it. My problem with it remains that it takes us back to the Vertani event, and the "bash it!!" mentality of the playerbase that played its part in ruining it.

    There are compelling reasons for most characters to run in to engage the ormyrr army; it just feels a bit flat to game them because one of the admins didn't have the foresight to set the monolith effect in their room, or something similar. Which is to say, it's not very compelling to wipe out an army, no matter how strong, if all they do is sit there without making any real effort to protect their lines. It's the PvE equivalent of Tanris raiding Shallam when there's just a handful of midbies around, none of whom have a cloak tattoo or a monolith sigil.

  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    edited October 2012
    And really, whoever it was that made the army return twice as large to totally crush us: awesome response.

    That, and whoever took you guys by surprise by having the ormyrr army march into the brazier-ers' room, thereby getting everyone slaughtered that way, too.

    So toward the end, yes, they were actually taking measures to protect their lines.

  • MelodieMelodie Port Saint Lucie, Florida
    Mayapple said:

    Also wanted to add that I really appreciate Melodie and Silas and the few others who made an effort to get me up to speed and/or involved in the very short and laggy time I could stay logged in.  That was really awesome of you.

    <3 Couldn't have you missing out on things anymore than you had to. Sorry about the death! I should of asked outright what your curing situation was and been a little more careful.

    And I love too                                                                          Be still, my indelible friend
    That love soon might end                                                         You are unbreaking
    And be known in its aching                                                      Though quaking
    Shown in this shaking                                                             Though crazy
    Lately of my wasteland, baby                                                 That's just wasteland, baby
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Thank you Matt.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • I can appreciate that for players who are primarily PvE focused something like this would be a very enticing challenge, and that's fine. However, there's no challenge in brazier-bashing, so let's not try to reconcile the two of them.

    Anybody doing this isn't roleplaying finding a way to overcome a seemingly invincible enemy, they're just (ab)using a tired, frankly dumb mechanic that people have been using for at least eight years to kill things that either aren't supposed to be killed alone or aren't supposed to be killed period.
  • Antonius said:
    You'd think that considering the number of deathsights - including some notably high-level, heavily artefacted dragons - that people would just leave them alone rather than going "It's new, I'd better kill it."
    You must be new here.  Hi!  This is Achaea.  Land where an entire event had to be replanned (into something extremely scary, where my first character really thought the world was going to end) due to the fact that people couldn't resist going 'Ooo, lets kill it!'
  • @Lucine: These creatures were openly hostile from the start. Antonius's point is more about the metagamey tactics involved.
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    To those upset about the "bash first, ask questions later" mentality, it is quite apparent that the Ormyrr and Dala'myrr are not peaceful races given their xenophobia, imprisonment, rape, enslavement, and subjugation, and murder of Elara and the Xoran, despite that Achaeans are technically invading their homeworld; it is a bit different than the Vertani event
  • Vayne said:
    To those upset about the "bash first, ask questions later" mentality, it is quite apparent that the Ormyrr and Dala'myrr are not peaceful races given their xenophobia, imprisonment, rape, enslavement, and subjugation, and murder of Elara and the Xoran, despite that Achaeans are technically invading their homeworld; it is a bit different than the Vertani event
    I'll be honest - Synbios had been considering tearing a new one in the Ormyrr for what they did to Elara. Yet he was the one who wrote the letter requesting a peaceful meeting between their reps and ours. 

    ((By the way, did they ever respond to that? Been so busy IRL that I haven't been online.))

  • Alright, got this damned contraption working.  I'm back, and completely enthusiastic about playing some small role in this event. I hope this will rouse some interest in my xoran racial clan.  ...and hopefully make the clan more active and purposeful.
  • Vayne said:
    To those upset about the "bash first, ask questions later" mentality, it is quite apparent that the Ormyrr and Dala'myrr are not peaceful races given their xenophobia, imprisonment, rape, enslavement, and subjugation, and murder of Elara and the Xoran, despite that Achaeans are technically invading their homeworld; it is a bit different than the Vertani event
    So what you're saying is, we are their Vertani? Mind... blown.
  • Just telling us that is awesome and a step in the right direction.  Thanks!
  • So...six months from now...April Fool's, it's Slith!
  • My heart bleeds for Elara and what happened to her. All this time I just assumed she  was being reckless with her magic and  got dragged to some d emonic  world and eaten..

    This an amazing event..Havent seen something like this in awhile. Well done guys, Well done.

  • Sarapis said:
    Incidentally, I just wanted to let you guys know that we haven't dropped the ball here on this plotline. We're waiting on something that's not entirely in our control. 

    You'll understand after the fact.
    I guess we were waiting for a dragon to choose a ceremony instead of instant dragon.
  • so yeah... I definitely was washing my dog when  this happened... :(
  • edited October 2012
    Can someone give some context to this?

    EDIT: Just found out in game. Ashaxei is dead.
    "Trust in me, Universe, I will deliver / the promise that no-one shall ever / set their mind to games or play / for Serious Order is the way. I will not rest until it is done; / rules will be made for everyone. / They will know Order and its graces - and just like me, all shall be Greyfaces." - The Heroes of Sapience, Act 5, Greyface.
  • Only thing I wonder is what happens now when I finally reach 99 :/

  • Please see the ranting thread for clarification.
    The soul of Ashmond says, "Always with the sniping."

    (Clan): Ictinus says, "Stop it Jiraishin, you're making me like you."
  • Dibs on first.
  • I've really enjoyed the event so far. This is the kinda thing that I think the game has been missing for so long. Really excited to see how things turn out.

  • NieelensarsNieelensars Southern, Texas
    So far, the event has been great! Besides the multitude of grammatical errors from Han-Tolneth its been pretty nice! I was super pissed I was at work when this all was going down so wasn't able to log in. But had someone read me verbatim  Han's words as he spoke them in their spelling glory. I'm a little disappointed about the dragonhood. I know thhat no one can give us any information about whats going to happen when you get lvl 99 but it still saddens me to know that the thing I've currently been working towards might not be around anymore.

    Either way, please keep up the good work!
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