I was in Mhaldor from about...20 years after it's creation until ~y500, spending most of it as some form of Minister or Viceroy.
We get it, you have been playing this game a long time, and you have been awesome the whole time. You should start letting other people compliment you now, instead of complimenting yourself.
I meant more recently, Darroth and Cooper have been in Shallam for over a IC century AFAIK. Mhaldor seemingly got a lot of Hashan converts recently and got Mico.
I meant more recently, Darroth and Cooper have been in Shallam for over a IC century AFAIK. Mhaldor seemingly got a lot of Hashan converts recently and got Mico.
Because I feel a little bad. Sorry to Quei for getting caught in the fracas when I jumped Turoi. Wouldn't have hit you if you just watched but I didn't like having to do it all the same.
Because I feel a little bad. Sorry to Quei for getting caught in the fracas when I jumped Turoi. Wouldn't have hit you if you just watched but I didn't like having to do it all the same.
I meant more recently, Darroth and Cooper have been in Shallam for over a IC century AFAIK. Mhaldor seemingly got a lot of Hashan converts recently and got Mico.
Khalaz. Yes, I know he is no longer Shallamese. But seriously, he was a House leader in Mhaldor and you guys just welcome him with open arms. And then are perfectly fine with him House-jumping two or three times.
He didn't switch overnight. Paid a huge fine. Wasn't able to keep full knight status with the Templars. And I don't think many welcomed him either. Shallam isn't very forgiving IMO.
Well, you guys were certainly forgiving enough to let him lead raid defenses. Maybe Shallam just has so few combatants that they take whatever help is offered when raided, but I wouldn't be trusting an ex-Mhaldorian with leading Shallam defenses within a rl week or two of them quitting if I were Shallamese.
Because I feel a little bad. Sorry to Quei for getting caught in the fracas when I jumped Turoi. Wouldn't have hit you if you just watched but I didn't like having to do it all the same.
Sorry I dropped a huge project for RL duties. I felt amazingly bad thinking that RL>IC. Fact of the matter is.. IC>RL. I hope one of you learns from my mistake.
I was in Mhaldor from about...20 years after it's creation until ~y500, spending most of it as some form of Minister or Viceroy.
We get it, you have been playing this game a long time, and you have been awesome the whole time. You should start letting other people compliment you now, instead of complimenting yourself.
Sorry I dropped a huge project for RL duties. I felt amazingly bad thinking that RL>IC. Fact of the matter is.. IC>RL. I hope one of you learns from my mistake.
I hope you're not sorry for thinking RL>>IC (generally, no one should be). I would probably understand if it's apologies for accepting more responsibilities than one can fulfill.
EDIT: I feel old when instead of Glee, Krypton's post makes me think of this:
Bleh, work ate my gaming life. 내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
Sorry @Xenomorph, really didn't intend for you to die after the duel. I forgot to call retardation with me when I was going to get food and I feel really bad about it.
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
It didn't work because we commandeered the Shallamite raid defense, and you guys let [REDACTED] hang out there.
How do you mean? o.oa
내가 제일 잘 나가!!!111!!1
"So you agree, you think you're really pretty?" I feel old when 'Mean Girls' reminds me of 'Heathers.'
I was actually looking for this, but I couldn't find a Mean Girls .gif with the entire quote. I doubt that sentence was ever even uttered in Glee.
Lindsay Lohan is such a swamp donkey.