What Happened To You Today?



  • I'm so disappointed in all of you right now. Spending all this time making fun of him being a Shadow Centurion and being goaded by "neener neener". The bigger issue here is...

    He's also the Dark Hand! You can't "neener neener" the Dark Hand and expect to walk away!!!!111

    Jumpy said:
    The membership is already such a good deal that there is no way we can reduce the cost. 

  • The memes are worthy of a chuckle, but I'm not laughing at Eryl pursuing someone outside of a treacherous plane after they make a schoolyard taunt at the fact they escaped specifically, because anyone that's ever interacted with Eryl for more than five minutes can glean a pretty good idea of why he might do something like that.

    I don't know why everyone has to get so extremely personal or aggressive about things. Provoking someone you just escaped from is pretty reasonably within the definition of taunting anyway, as humorous as the whole situation may have turned out.

    People are playing characters, remember. Not themselves. I hope.

  • Yes, and in this case Eryl was playing a character who was being no more mature than a schoolyard bully who literally got offended by a schoolyard chant. If that's who he wants to play that's cool, he can. However, he should expect that people will call it what it is, both ooc and ic. Still talking about Eryl the character here btw. Generally speaking I've never had a bad experience either ic or ooc with Eryl, so I'm strictly talking about his ic decision as relayed here by himself in an ooc setting.

    ic Argwin has realized that he can no longer tease most Hashani like he used to be able to, because Eryl's not the only one who would react this way now. Which is a shame, because some of them can be really fun to tease.

  • Achaea isn't set in a school yard. Adventurers carry swords. Heads adorn pikes at the city gates.

    Think of the often brutal ancient civilisations and mythology that Achaea draws inspiration from. What do you think would happen if you thumbed your nose at nobility from a rival city in ancient Greece or the Roman Empire?

  • We can also visit other planes and planets by climbing a tree filled with killer rats. Just because Achaea ripped off ancient Greece to create a sense of culture really quickly when it was created almost 25 years ago doesn't mean we must mimic ancient Greece. Sometimes a light teasing can be responded with in kind, and sometimes it will lead to a swift death. We truly play the characters we want to play. I like playing a character who doesn't treat people all fancy like because they have a fancy title. Colgano can confirm this if he chooses. But, I'm honest about who Argwin has become. In return, I expect others to do the same. Don't claim some lofty ideal when you're just being petty.

    Again, at no point am I saying Eryl was wrong to do what he did. It's well within HELP PK as I understand it. I'm advocating for honesty in self.

  • edited July 2021

    Uh, I'm pretty sure even the Classic Greeks didn't resort to murder over a teasing comment. In fact, Athenian Senate and Spartan Gerousia sessions were famously heated, and it didn't mean all the senators were murdering each other as soon as one of them called him a poop-head (Cassius not withstanding).

  • I'd be down if we brought back the Greek process of ostracism, though.

  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol

    namino just wants other greek traditions to come back because he loves dudes

  • edited July 2021

    The Greeks were pussies before 650. I have to say I'm #TeamEryl on this.

  • There are plenty of IC reasons to be kill-happy besides being "sensitive." Eryl happens to be very bloodthirsty IC. I would describe his character as very bestial. Killing in response to just about anything is IC for him. He doesn't roleplay a polite sophisticate. He used to regularly get chided by Hashan's guards for swearing (an auto response they have) and now they just keep quiet around him.

    Eryl, as a player, gets frustrated by people who constantly resort to OOC so it's easy to see why he didn't enjoy the Zadkiel reaction. But I think we should all move on now. This is quite a lot of dogpiling for one post.

  • In a shocking twist of events, only Billy's friends jump to Billy's defence.

    Nobody could have ever seen this coming.

    More news at 11, Darnell.

    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • I mean, I said it above multiple times, Eryl was within his IG rights to do so, but it does reflect on the character he's created, which he opened up to discussion by posting the log here.

    At the recent concert Mezghar made a comment about wanting to use his crier's bell on me but withholding because of the event. I -could- have followed up later and tried to kill him (yeah, I could have tried. I would have failed, but that's not the point of this post) due to rp justification. But Argwin's character responded by making a light joke of it, and later implying that Mezghar actually liked him a lot because of Mezghar's tendency to represent all emotions by frowning. This is the character I'm trying to create. If people judge me for it I accept it, because I'm honest about who I'm making Argwin to be. Heck, I've had to defend Argwin's character choices to multiple Divine IG.

    What I said above still stands. Eryl is creating a character. We all are. But, is he being honest with himself about the kind of character he's creating? If he's trying to come across as 'bestial' then I think a lot of us would say that the log above doesn't show it well. However - I will repeat this so I'm not misunderstood - there is nothing wrong with Eryl creating a character who is willing to fight at the slightest provocation. But the log he posted doesn't paint him in a good light according to a lot of people who have posted in response to it.

    As Namino pointed out, Eryl said in his log 'talk shit get hit' but it turned around on him. He came here talking shit and he got hit. *shrug*

  • edited July 2021

    When I said neener neener neener then said hehe, because I was playing not teasing. Anyone that knows me knows I do not fight. I feel bad that he had to bring it to a forum. By the way OOC I forgive you Eryl. We need to let this topic go now....

  • Not until we cripple Eryl like we crippled theft

    This is the only way now. The precedent was set. Vocal majority wins.


  • For real. Also kinda funny to say Im Eryl's friend. But yeah.. keep being haughty and miserable to someone OOC to point out something you think was miserable IG. gg?

  • Of the 13 people I fought during a group fight.

    10 of them had a lyre.

    8 of them had a wand of reflections

    3 of them had a crier's bell to break lyre

    2 of them had an olive branch.

    Maybe we should start looking into ways to stop people from literally living forever without people having to drop wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much money on buying a crier's bell. You know. After nerfing earrings.

  • Are you saying all of that was on the other side? I can't name 8 Hashani that have a lyre and a wand.

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • okay, the 8 WoR might have been an exageration.

    5 wand of reflections:

    Mazus, Gribbit, Elyra, Farrah, Eryl, Mezghar, Issam, Minkai for confirmed lyres.

    Elyra, Eryl, Farrah, Mezghar, (Probably Issam) for WoR

    It's just annoying, and I am a little angry. More heartseed is in order. Except when lyre + reflections are in play. And then you just tank for 30 years.

  • So you're saying the counter to people spending money in Achaea, is to spend more money than them?


    Disappearing from Achaea for now. See you, space cowboy.

    smileyface#8048 if you wanna chat.

  • ArchaeonArchaeon Ur mums house lol

    pay up paypiggies, papa's rent is due

  • It's all exaggeration since I doubt more than one or two people actually even used WoR or lyre during those fights. The last thing the conflict scene needs is more nerfs to survival against big group tools, though, imo.

  • Says the one with all the expensive survival tools.

    But really, I know Farrah generally doesn't need the tools in most fights, but it is a bit of the rich person telling the poor people they should just make more money kind of situation here.

  • I don't have a lyre, or WoR, or Olive Branch, or Criers Bell.

    You, however, do have at least one of those things. I told you in tells when you tried to complain to me, it seems very hollow complaint given the people Eleusis have on their side too, Andraste and the like. Besides, the last two extended group fights I've been in with you guys have seemed pretty even

    However, I've said it for years that the talismans and artefact power creep is massive and becoming a detriment to the game. I don't see a change of mind coming any time soon.

    (Party): Mezghar says, "Stop."
  • You don't complain when someone uses lyre in a group fight, you thank them for wasting their time and then punish them for using a long equilibrium ability that makes them pause their system. If your group struggles vs lyre it's because it's a tiny fight where there are no dragons available, or you made a big mistake by not being prepared for a fight.

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