What Happened To You Today?



  • Lorielan said:
    Whilst I'm not going to get into the specifics of particular cases or weigh in on the RP vs OOC punishments, players wanting unique and special case roleplay from Gods they are leaving, betraying, and similar is a big ask and it's very much a two way street.

    It's very rare that anyone is willing to set aside hours of their volunteered time, maybe even an entire day (or three's) worth to dedicate special attention to someone who's basically giving them and their organisations the middle finger. Those that are willing require a few things to be able to do so: First of all some time has to be allowed for them to drop everything they're currently working on and get their creative instincts in gear, we don't pull new OP denizens, special curses, and crazy flavour out of mid-air on demand. Secondly it requires the players on both sides of things to actually be in role and playing out their sides of things in a way that's accessible for all so the roleplay can be further enhanced.

    For those who want special exits from their orgs (even if you're defecting, we really only want players to be happy and playing the game) there has to be some give and take. If, as a player, you aren't prepared to give any, then you're likely going to get slapped with a disfavour of some kind, some deaths if you meant anything to the God you're bailing on, and you'll get put out of the mind of the volunteer who wants to focus their arguably limited time (reasonably so) on the players and responsibilities that fall within their purview.
    Thats completely fair and understandable, and is a valid reason for why its not necessarily feasible for special punishment for everyone who wants to quit an org. But, I would still argue to change how TDF works to remove the loss of skills aspect of it. I'm by no means advocating that someone who betrays an org should be allowed to go without some sort of retribution from the god who backs said org. I'm simply saying that the retribution shouldn't be so debilitating as to prevent them from playing the game in such a way that they actually enjoy their time spent online.

  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    Agreed, to an extent. 

    I still think that there seems to be an attitude of entitlement to the argument, but I can totally see and respect where it comes from. I personally believe that the actions of a character should have meaningful consequences, positive or negative. The idea that you can get boosts from truefavours for IC things, but shouldn't be able to lose skills from the rare tdf, makes no sense to me. Similarly,  the idea that enjoying PK should make you immune to temporary consequences that generally dont occur without good reason also baffles me. 

    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • No one is arguing that people shouldn't be punished for doing things. I'm not arguing anyone should be immune to consequences either. Never once have I said that, and I'm not sure why you think I would support something like that in the first place. All I'm saying is that those punishments shouldn't make the game unplayable for a large faction of players who enjoy doing things that require these skills. I would be perfectly happy to take away the skill boost of a true favor if it meant taking away the skill loss of a true disfavor. As it stands, a true disfavor doesn't just make combat more difficult, it makes it downright -impossible-. I'm honestly stunned by the amount of people who don't understand why those of us who play the game for combat would find this to be a bit over the top! There's no entitlement here beyond simply wanting to be able to enjoy what we like about the game even when being punished.

  • Sounds like a good chance to nut up and take it like a man.

    (seriously though, do Lucrescent nuts negate the penalty from TDFs?)

  • It's not true disfavour specifically that does this. You lose skills at strong disfavour (second on the favour strength ladder).
  • AodfionnAodfionn Seattle, WA
    edited February 2016
    Yes, I get that you believe punishments shouldn't do that - and that's maybe where I disagree in practice while agreeing in sentiment. The game should always be fun; it's a game, after all!

    But one of the things that makes Achaea feel like a truly immersive RPG is that the RP is so prevalent. Your original post stated that you enjoy PK, and that a large portion of the playerbase enjoys PK, perhaps even to the point where PK, and not RP, is what keeps them in the game. Totally fair. I'll concede that much. 

    Where we disagree is the notion that because this aforementioned group prefers PK, which is negatively impacted by these rare RP-borne punishments, the admins should re-work this aspect of RP-borne punishments such as TDFs. By the logic you state, this should probably also go for the other punishments that also nerf a combatant. 

    I disagree with this idea for a few reasons. One, the aforementioned 'actions should have consequences,' is something I know we both agree on in general. I think this is one of the instances where it applies - you are asking the admins to essentially render a very rare form of punishment utterly toothless, to the point where it's not really a punishment so much as flavor text. You said "There's no entitlement here beyond simply wanting to be able to enjoy what we like about the game even when being punished," and I very much disagree with the sentiment behind it. You can say it's not entitled, but you're going on to say that people who play the game for PK should get the administration to remove rare consequences from IC actions. That's like, the definition of entitlement in the context of Achaea; the idea that one person or group should get a free pass from playing things their way. It's the argument Kakotas and many others used as to why Deacon shouldn't exist, and I give it as much credence now as I did in those cases.

    Two, the fact remains that PKers can enjoy benefits from the inverse - and as well they should. I don't much believe in this notion of "I should be able to benefit in PK/life/whatever from a TF earned for IC reasons, but I should not be hit with a penalty in PK/life/whatever from a TDF earned for IC reasons." If you're willing to accept the bonuses, then be willing to accept the potential consequences, too; it is, and should be, a two way street if we're both going to accept the idea that there should be tangible, meaningful consequences to actions just as there should be tangible, meaningful consequences to others. 

    Finally, TDFs are so exceedingly rare that the whole trying to get the admins to change it feels like asking for stitches and vicodin because we pricked our finger. They don't happen terribly often, and 99% of them seem to only occur in a situation where it's really warranted. It's possible that that's just my perception, but with as willing as people are to whine about perceived injustice, I feel like we would be hearing about this a lot more often if it was being abused or happening in instances where people didn't absolutely have it coming. 

    tl;dr - it's way past bedtime.
    Aurora says, "Are you drunk, Aodfionn?"
  • Trey said:
    (seriously though, do Lucrescent nuts negate the penalty from TDFs?)
    Not to my knowledge.
    - (Eleusis): Ellodin says, "The Fissure of Echoes is Sarathai's happy place."
    - With sharp, crackling tones, Kyrra tells you, "The ladies must love you immensely."
    - (Eleusian Ranger Techs): Savira says, "Most of the hard stuff seem to have this built in code like: If adventurer_hitting_me = "Sarathai" then send("terminate and selfdestruct")."
    - Makarios says, "Serve well and perish."
    - Xaden says, "Xaden confirmed scrub 2017."

  • I'll just point out now that I, and a lot of others, are Transcendent in all of our skills, so don't benefit from the skill boost from favours. Loss of 2 constitution, 1of every other stat, and taking 15% more damage is a big enough consequence, and for many is the exact opposite of what they gain from a Truefavour.
  • I watched someone eat a Lucrescent nut to negate a TDF. But maybe it changed since then. Austere said he tried it and it didn't work.

  • @Aodfionn and others : 
    I'm just going to point out, again, that this lose of skills isn't just part of the ultra-rare TRUE DISFAVOUR.

    Skill loss kicks in at STRONG DISFAVOUR so if a God decides to punish a person with anything more than a simple DISFAVOUR the person will be affected by skill loss.

    To quote myself : Maybe people want to keep the skill lose then maybe bump that up to the top Strong Disfavour slot and slide everything down one?

    That gives the God 4 levels of ire to bestow on a person before the hit the skill loss level. Skill lose arguably has the most affect on how a person can play.
  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Aodfionn said:
    Yes, I get that you believe punishments shouldn't do that - and that's maybe where I disagree in practice while agreeing in sentiment. The game should always be fun; it's a game, after all!
    Bingo. Full stop. The issue isn't that there are consequences--that's fine, I've never shirked from a consequence--it's that the TDF consequences are disproportionate to combatants vs roleplayers. Roleplayers cannot have their ability to roleplay removed by these sort of punishments; they can continue to do what they enjoy. Conversely, combatants require their skills to fight, and thus their ability to fight CAN be be removed; they cannot keep doing what they enjoy. For a day? That's cool. Two days, sure, maybe I fucked up. But if my primary avenue of enjoyment is removed for 2 weeks, you must have a very high expectation of how invested in this game I should be to keep logging in. That's not being entitled or taking my ball and going home, that's me having my ball taken away and saying "Okay, that's cool, guess I'll play a different ballgame".

    Like I've said already, the -2 CON, -1 other stats, and +15% damage that comes with a TDF are perfectly valid. Those make fighting difficult but possible, just like fighting someone with a TF is difficult but possible. The skill hits, though, remove your ability to play the game, if you play the game to fight. Just a bad aspect of the favour system that affect some players vastly more than others.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • Antidas said:

    make gods be a little more creative
    Didn't he recently beget? He probably started coding up some crazy unique perfect awesome glorious punishment with, like, a ten gallon hat glued to your head, and a gnome stuck inside it that kicks your skull occasionally and yells rude things. But then the baby started crying and it was his turn because the wife did it last time, and he had to go change a diaper and sing the little hellion to sleep, so god damn it just have a TDF instead then. Sometimes you go with the easy option. Sometimes dinner is Easy Mac.
  • Saeva said:
    I watched someone eat a Lucrescent nut to negate a TDF. But maybe it changed since then. Austere said he tried it and it didn't work.
    Yeah, I definitely tried it and it didn't work. It says everything is trans, but you're still missing a large portion of your skills. 

    Please stop calling it entitlement. I'm sitting on 8 more days still (once it ticks over whenever today). I can't snipe, can't behead, can't phase, can't hold breath, can't curseward, no efficiency, half of vision is missing,  can't reliable use any bites in a fight(arguably a third of my skills are worthless without trans secretion), no higher hypno abilities,  and numerous other things.  I have a whopping 9 con, and am only still remotely viable because I have spent a lot of cash over the past ten years.  I took it like a champ and sat on clouds last night for over two hours.  -1- Person came to pick a fight, and it was more of a joking friendly fight than anything. Dude thought he could get the jump on me and failed.  I went ahead and truelocked him, despite my handicap and the fact I consider him my combat equal, and had to spend far too much time figuring out how I could kill him still. I would have liked something that was a little for fun for everyone, other than me fighting at half mast for a week and a half, but that doesn't make me entitled. Entitlement would be me sitting on my thumbs waiting for this to blow over so I can actually do something again.  Not sure what else you expect me to do.  

    The fact that this isn't in rants says a lot about my willingness to suck it up,  despite the fact that I as a player think it's kinda crummy.

  • How is it PKer entitlement when RP suffers no penalty at all? Some people are acting like PKers want -special- treatment. Are you suggesting that TDFs should disable emote and say and that's be fine?
  • edited February 2016
    I am a bit unclear as to what a person actually has to do to get hit with a TDF. I've never made it a secret that my lore isn't the greatest, but still. We had one person in Cyrene, very long ago, viciously and continuously disrespecting the City Patron on CT, (who was online at the time,) the whole City government tried to stop her, then the God fried her with red fire, and it still didn't stop her, so she finally got ousted by a Senator. I saw something this serious one time in my roughly 200 game years on Achaea, so I am not sure where all these TDFs are coming from.

    Edit: sorry, read some examples on a few previous pages. Please ignore.

    Edit 2: Egads, what the hell happened to Targossas? You leave for a month and everything gets rekt. :(
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    To be fair, a true disfavour might not really affect an RPer who doesn't hunt or do combat, but a true favour also doesn't really benefit those kind of people when they earn them, either.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • All I see are the debuffing abilities of disfavours, which as @Tahquil stated, does kick in at the strong point, but I also see that all people are arguing about are the detrimental effects that it has on those who spent money and actually have every skill they need transcended.

    Favours, starting at strong, also increase your skill rank and gives you abilities that you wouldn't normally have if you weren't lucky enough to tri-trans or omni-trans your skills or don't have the funding for it OOCly. 

    I know I'm going to get yelled at, simply because "that's not what we're talking about, scrub," but I just wanted to point it out since nobody else has, yet. It would make sense that disfavours does the exact opposite of what favours do.

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    I do agree that fifteen days seemed quite excessive, but for those that spend IRL months, if not YEARS devoted to a particular diety/order, and then defect without warning, a punishment detrimental to your gameplay for five/six/seven days I could -totally- understand. It's not like there's not other things you could be doing. Sure, pvp is your favorite part of Achaea. Sure that's what you devote 99.5% of your time to Achaea doing. You snubbed a deity in a world where the deities have tangible influence in the world, and you knew there were going to be consequences. You want to say goodbye to everything your character has worked hard to build? Spend the next week rebuilding that elsewhere. Running for your life from people of the order/city/whatever that you left? Go sailing. Catching a breather in another city? Go shopping. Interact with others. Go explore somewhere you've never been before. Go fucking hunt stuff. There's a THOUSAND other things you can be doing. Just because PvP is your favorite aspect of the game doesn't mean you shouldn't be restricted from it at any point during your career as an adventurer.

    Honestly, I understand your frustrations with TDFs impacting your PvP gameplay, but you can totally find other things to do. I guarantee that none of you have explored every single alternative to PvP during your (relatively) short TDFs.

    Kayeil said:
    To be fair, a true disfavour might not really affect an RPer who doesn't hunt or do combat, but a true favour also doesn't really benefit those kind of people when they earn them, either.
    And this^
    Huh. Neat.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    I know Lady Pandora gets pretty upset if someone leaves Her Order without a single word. I haven't seen anyone punished for it yet, but it does shape Her view on their departure and Her future interactions with them, if any at all. I can imagine in those Orders who are less neutral and part of a more fanatical cause that a departure is an even bigger deal, especially without a proper farewell. To be honest, if after everything I bailed on Lady Pandora without a single word... a true disfavour would be totally warranted, and I wouldn't blame Her for it. Even worse if I was aiding another opposing faction by giving them information on Her. Betraying a God is no small thing, especially if you were close to Them, or held some kind of rank within Their faction. These punishments are nothing new, and maybe take it as a future warning that if you're going to do that to your faction and/or God, that the consequences can be pretty harsh, so be careful in choosing how you are going to leave if you plan on it. You can leave on the best note possible, or leave on a really bad one.

    With that said, perhaps this discussion should get moved to Golden Dais if people have suggestions on how to change it if they are unhappy with this system? It honestly doesn't bother me, it is such a rare occurrence. In an RP sense, when it is heard about realms wide, it's one of those "oh shit" reminders on what can happen when you go and make big decisions like that.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    But the RP can be seen as the God wanting to make you cower, and whether or not you choose to despite the punishment is up to you. Perhaps take that time to get to know your new citymates/ordermates/etc, do your tasks, and continue to make your threats that when you are at full capability you will bring death upon all those who tried to kill you in the meantime. So many ways to play it if one gets creative. One doesn't have to have immediate chances to fight and kill all those they just betrayed.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • Ahmet said:

    Honestly, I understand your frustrations with TDFs impacting your PvP gameplay, but you can totally find other things to do. I guarantee that none of you have explored every single alternative to PvP during your (relatively) short TDFs.
    I find it interesting that you can guarantee what anyone else has or has not tried. I found what I enjoy most because I have explored the other aspects of the game. 

    Also, so many opinions here on how someone else should be reacting or what one could be doing. Sometimes the punishment just doesn't fit the crime, or in these cases, the length of the punishment. And for those affected, expressing discontent hardly means they aren't trying to make the best of the situation. Pretty sure I have seen comments to the contrary, as well as witnessed as much. 
  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Jadys said:
    Ahmet said:

    Honestly, I understand your frustrations with TDFs impacting your PvP gameplay, but you can totally find other things to do. I guarantee that none of you have explored every single alternative to PvP during your (relatively) short TDFs.
    I find it interesting that you can guarantee what anyone else has or has not tried. I found what I enjoy most because I have explored the other aspects of the game. 

    Also, so many opinions here on how someone else should be reacting or what one could be doing. Sometimes the punishment just doesn't fit the crime, or in these cases, the length of the punishment. And for those affected, expressing discontent hardly means they aren't trying to make the best of the situation. Pretty sure I have seen comments to the contrary, as well as witnessed as much. 
    I did say I thought the fifteen day TDF is a bit too harsh, but if you can't live for a week without being an effective combatant in a game as complex and wide-reaching as Achaea then idk what to tell you.

    And yes there are opinions on what one could be doing? I don't see anything wrong with giving options to those who can't seem to find options themselves.
    Huh. Neat.
  • Ahmet said:
    Jadys said:
    Ahmet said:

    Honestly, I understand your frustrations with TDFs impacting your PvP gameplay, but you can totally find other things to do. I guarantee that none of you have explored every single alternative to PvP during your (relatively) short TDFs.
    I find it interesting that you can guarantee what anyone else has or has not tried. I found what I enjoy most because I have explored the other aspects of the game. 

    Also, so many opinions here on how someone else should be reacting or what one could be doing. Sometimes the punishment just doesn't fit the crime, or in these cases, the length of the punishment. And for those affected, expressing discontent hardly means they aren't trying to make the best of the situation. Pretty sure I have seen comments to the contrary, as well as witnessed as much. 
    I did say I thought the fifteen day TDF is a bit too harsh, but if you can't live for a week without being an effective combatant in a game as complex and wide-reaching as Achaea then idk what to tell you.

    And yes there are opinions on what one could be doing? I don't see anything wrong with giving options to those who can't seem to find options themselves.
    I don't think any of us have rage qq'd over being worthless yet.  I also don't remember any of the people with the punishment asking what we should be doing now.  I believe I already posted a summary of my night. Not sure where this belief is coming from that we are incapable of finding alternatives. .I'm really just confused behind this entire string of posts.

  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Probably because there are other people weighing in wondering if such a punishment in general is too harsh or justified, and speculating whether or not it needs to be changed for the future... then people discussing how it affects the punished, and if they should just seek alternatives during their punishment phase or if the mechanic needs changing in general. It doesn't necessarily mean all of the commentary is about you specifically.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    Kayeil said:
    Probably because there are other people weighing in wondering if such a punishment in general is too harsh or justified, and speculating whether or not it needs to be changed for the future... then people discussing how it affects the punished, and if they should just seek alternatives during their punishment phase or if the mechanic needs changing in general. It doesn't necessarily mean all of the commentary is about you specifically.
    Moreso because there was discussion of TDFs making the game, and I quote, "unplayable". Which is clearly false.
    Huh. Neat.
  • KayeilKayeil Washington State
    Ahmet said:
    Kayeil said:
    Probably because there are other people weighing in wondering if such a punishment in general is too harsh or justified, and speculating whether or not it needs to be changed for the future... then people discussing how it affects the punished, and if they should just seek alternatives during their punishment phase or if the mechanic needs changing in general. It doesn't necessarily mean all of the commentary is about you specifically.
    Moreso because there was discussion of TDFs making the game, and I quote, "unplayable". Which is clearly false.
    Agreed. I still think this needs to go to Golden Dais if anyone has any real ideas on how to change the punishment if it's a big deal. If not, then let the punished sit it out and work it out themselves, and move on. I think it's such a rare occurrence, and a known potential consequence that it should be left alone, but whatever.
    What doesn't kill you gives you exp.

  • edited February 2016
    Ahmet said: 
    I did say I thought the fifteen day TDF is a bit too harsh, but if you can't live for a week without being an effective combatant in a game as complex and wide-reaching as Achaea then idk what to tell you.

    And yes there are opinions on what one could be doing? I don't see anything wrong with giving options to those who can't seem to find options themselves.
    meh. not worth it
  • Ahmet said:

    Honestly, I understand your frustrations with TDFs impacting your PvP gameplay, but you can totally find other things to do. I guarantee that none of you have explored every single alternative to PvP during your (relatively) short TDFs.
    My apologies for not realizing this applied to so many other people.  The reference to how short the punishment had been so far must have thrown me off. 
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