Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "A little egghunt trivia for you all. Eggs found on Meropis are worth twenty times as much points!"
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "In three minutes, announce more trivia that there are no eggs on Meropis."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "You're spoiling my fun."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "Good!"
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "Cooper wanted me to let you all know that he changed his mind again and is re-joining Targossas. Let the celebrations commence!"
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "Now you're playing with fire!"
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "Wrong, good sir! I am playing with eggs, you included."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "You're lucky I'm awfully lazy."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "That's like saying I'm lucky the sky hasn't fallen. It's business as usual."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "Unlike our marketeers, I am willing to sell my clever quips! Especially quips about Cooper. Enquiries should be accompanied by credits."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "I would like to purchase one clever quip regarding how large your mother is."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "You'd like to purchase a quip high-lighting how small you are? Done!"
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "I can transform into a Dragon in four seconds, let's not bring my size into this."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "It only takes four seconds? Yes, that's what I heard about you."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "I'm going to do something to you. Something bad."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "You'll have to buy me dinner first!"
Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!" Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh." Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
Hasar's nostrils flare wildly with a great rush of air as his sinuous body contracts and his mouth opens wide to emit a rippling, unbroken roar that reverberates through your body. 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% [disr] SE|W 00:33:38.795(concentrate)(-1785h, 23.3%) You begin intense concentration to restore your equilibrium. (0.145s) 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:38.940 Micositu takes some balm from a vial and rubs it on his legs. 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.248 Micositu eats a potash crystal. 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.256 Charging quickly an irate mountain goat rams his long horns into the gut of Micositu. 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.555 You may eat another bit of irid moss or potash. 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.854(outr irid|eat irid) You may eat another plant or mineral. (1.697s) 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.863 You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the Rift to 1935. 792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.985 You eat some irid moss. You feel your health and mana replenished. 1405h, 5579m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.294(+613h, 8.0%, +512m, 8.0%) You have recovered balance on all limbs. (3.234s) 1405h, 5579m, 30134e, 21555w xbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.597 You have recovered equilibrium. (2.101s) 1405h, 5579m, 30134e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.896(summon venom) Hasar takes a drink from an oaken vial. 1405h, 5579m, 30154e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.906 With a great shudder, you begin to summon forth the defiling, deadly wyrmvenom of legend. 1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.051(-300m, 4.7%) fly The aural world fades to silence. 1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exdbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.362 You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic. 1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exdbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.371(sip health) There is not enough overhead room to fly. 1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exdbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.550 A sudden sense of panic overtakes you as the draconic curse manifests, afflicting you with sensitivity. Your hearing is suddenly restored. 1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.564(eat hawthorn|outr 1 hawthorn) You take a drink from an elegant nacreous vial. The elixir heals and soothes you. 2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.703(+1267h, 16.5%) You eat a hawthorn berry. 2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.017 You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in the Rift to 959. 2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.027 Exelethril viciously seizes Micositu in his jaws, tossing him effortlessly into the air before catching him in a second bite. 2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.038 Micositu takes a drink from a stygian vial. 2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.046 Thundering wildly, a storm of venom-infused droplets rain down upon the area. 2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.323 You bleed 74 health. 2598h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.331(-74h, 1.0%) Charging quickly an irate mountain goat rams his long horns into the gut of Micositu. Micositu has been slain by an irate mountain goat. 2981h, 5354m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.633(+383h, 5.0%, +75m, 1.2%)
That goat saved my life! Also, was a great skirmish, cool of you guys to bring two dragons vs two dragons! Great fun!
(ClanX): You say, "So, I created a script that needs to honours people... and I totally used finger instead." (ClanX): Nieelensars says, "Oh fuck me youc an finger people." (ClanX: Nieelensars says, "WHY CAN YOU FUCKING FINGER PEOPLE IN THIS DAMN GAME?!" (Ashtan): Nieelensars says, "If thats the truth I wanna finger you Cathy."
Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.
Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
(Maldaathi): Aepas says, "Our new one is amazingly curious about combat. He obviously knows some, but is still very new."
(Grunts): Ascion says, "Salutations, high lady."
(Grunts): You say, "How is your introduction to the guild coming along?"
(Maldaathi): You say, "Ah, excellent."
(Maldaathi): Aepas says, "But his curiousity knows no bounds. He is about to drive me mad."
(Maldaathi): You say, "Well, answer his questions, but ensure he is aware his focus needs to be on passing his trial."
(Maldaathi): Aepas says, "It's adorable in the worst of ways."
(Grunts): Ascion says, "Oh, quite well. The other people are extremely friendly! I've also done a very evil thing, so you'll be quite proud. A little pixie girl asked me to play, I decayed her corpse then sold it."
And I love too Be still, my indelible friend That love soon might end You are unbreaking And be known in its aching Though quaking Shown in this shaking Though crazy Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Ashtan's group hit my allsight. This is what it looked like.
Allsight: Dalran enters On the clouds. (3885) From your knowledge, that room is in Clouds.
You bid your guardian angel to seek out the lifeforce of Dalran. Your guardian angel senses Dalran at On the clouds, on a health of 2834 and a mana of 3028. (Clouds) 3885 He is with Jhui. He is with Tirac. He is with Rennyn. He is with Austere. He is with Dunn. He is with Dragonknight. He is with Strata. He is with Rip. He is with Kross.
(D.M.A.): Cooper says, "Kyrra is either the most innocent person in the world, or the girl who uses the most innuendo seemingly unintentionally but really on purpose."
No no no. The quote was more that their entire group hit allsight and the only unveiled one was Dalran. Tirac and Dragonknight were fighting Eleusis (which was so very awkward a while before that when we were waiting for Ashtan and they were waiting for Eleusis).
You raise your hands dramatically and summon an icewall to the south.(smoke 486782) (-100m, 2.2%) An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 malachite left) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him. (Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Silverveil Promenade in Targossas (Veil's End)." An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You have recovered equilibrium. (2.741s)(reject Hirst) (Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Veil's End in Targossas (Veil's End)." You reject the friendship of Hirst. (2.513s) e An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him. e You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You have recovered equilibrium. (1.662s)(reject Hirst) e You reject the friendship of Hirst. (1.054s) You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It strikes you, gouging a deep and bloody wound. ----------------------- | SHOT! | SHOT! | ----------------------- A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.(sip vitality|outr magnesium|eat magnesium|outr potash|eat potash) (-1156h, 32.7%) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Dunn. It sails harmlessly past you. You take a drink from a black-walnut vial. The tonic heals and soothes you. (+570h, 16.1%) e You remove 1 magnesium, bringing the total in the Rift to 2040. You eat a magnesium chip. Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed. (0.346s) (-60m, 1.3%) You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 660. You eat a potash crystal. You feel your health and mana replenished. (+283h, 8.0%, +160m, 3.5%) You bleed 88 health. (-88h, 2.5%) You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you.
You raise your hands dramatically and summon an icewall to the south.(smoke 486782) (-100m, 2.2%) An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 malachite left) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him. (Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Silverveil Promenade in Targossas (Veil's End)." An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You have recovered equilibrium. (2.741s)(reject Hirst) (Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Veil's End in Targossas (Veil's End)." You reject the friendship of Hirst. (2.513s) e An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him. e You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You have recovered equilibrium. (1.662s)(reject Hirst) e You reject the friendship of Hirst. (1.054s) You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It strikes you, gouging a deep and bloody wound. ----------------------- | SHOT! | SHOT! | ----------------------- A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.(sip vitality|outr magnesium|eat magnesium|outr potash|eat potash) (-1156h, 32.7%) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Dunn. It sails harmlessly past you. You take a drink from a black-walnut vial. The tonic heals and soothes you. (+570h, 16.1%) e You remove 1 magnesium, bringing the total in the Rift to 2040. You eat a magnesium chip. Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed. (0.346s) (-60m, 1.3%) You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 660. You eat a potash crystal. You feel your health and mana replenished. (+283h, 8.0%, +160m, 3.5%) You bleed 88 health. (-88h, 2.5%) You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you.
One reeeeeeaallly fast one.
... Or one really slow one, it's hard to tell without timestamps.
Achieved dragon on the 13th of Aeguary, 634 - aged 21 and 1 month and 21 days.
Elder dragon on the 6th of Chronos 635 - aged 22 and 8 months and 14 days.
You raise your hands dramatically and summon an icewall to the south.(smoke 486782) (-100m, 2.2%) An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 malachite left) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him. (Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Silverveil Promenade in Targossas (Veil's End)." An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You have recovered equilibrium. (2.741s)(reject Hirst) (Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Veil's End in Targossas (Veil's End)." You reject the friendship of Hirst. (2.513s) e An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him. e You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you. You have recovered equilibrium. (1.662s)(reject Hirst) e You reject the friendship of Hirst. (1.054s) You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. An arrow flies in towards you. It strikes you, gouging a deep and bloody wound. ----------------------- | SHOT! | SHOT! | ----------------------- A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.(sip vitality|outr magnesium|eat magnesium|outr potash|eat potash) (-1156h, 32.7%) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Dunn. It sails harmlessly past you. You take a drink from a black-walnut vial. The tonic heals and soothes you. (+570h, 16.1%) e You remove 1 magnesium, bringing the total in the Rift to 2040. You eat a magnesium chip. Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed. (0.346s) (-60m, 1.3%) You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 660. You eat a potash crystal. You feel your health and mana replenished. (+283h, 8.0%, +160m, 3.5%) You bleed 88 health. (-88h, 2.5%) You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui. It sails harmlessly past you. An arrow flies in towards you. It sails harmlessly past you.
One reeeeeeaallly fast one.
... Or one really slow one, it's hard to tell without timestamps.
Only one. The others do try very hard though. They'll get there eventually.
A light rain wets your surroundings. 4695h|100%h 4133m|96%m 100%e 100%w 60.0% exk-02:36:18:869 Town centre of New Thera. Awash in a constant array of blossom petals, an amber-gold metal and marble statue of Ariel, the former mayor of Thera, sits here. A marble fountain sculpted into a lifelike blossom tree within a basin sits at the centrepoint of the plaza. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Dragonknight" stitched on it hangs improbably in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name "Peak" stitched on it hangs improbably in the air here. There are 2 burly Theran guards here. A New Theran villager stands here at ease. @Rayn is here. You may ENTER the WILDERNESS map from here. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, and west.
No no no. The quote was more that their entire group hit allsight and the only unveiled one was Dalran. Tirac and Dragonknight were fighting Eleusis (which was so very awkward a while before that when we were waiting for Ashtan and they were waiting for Eleusis).
I was actually watching you guys fight, then Eleusis just came in like a wrecking ball.
No no no. The quote was more that their entire group hit allsight and the only unveiled one was Dalran. Tirac and Dragonknight were fighting Eleusis (which was so very awkward a while before that when we were waiting for Ashtan and they were waiting for Eleusis).
I was actually watching you guys fight, then Eleusis just came in like a wrecking ball.
We were actually only after Tirac. When I saw the huge amount of people, I panicked a moment, until I realized that a) the hounds were loose and no way could I stop my horde of Loosians from attacking now and b) the names weren't red.
Then Micositu backstabbed Mephaos, and things escalated! Kinda hilarious that he picked Mephaos of all people to backstab.
No no no. The quote was more that their entire group hit allsight and the only unveiled one was Dalran. Tirac and Dragonknight were fighting Eleusis (which was so very awkward a while before that when we were waiting for Ashtan and they were waiting for Eleusis).
I was actually watching you guys fight, then Eleusis just came in like a wrecking ball.
We were actually only after Tirac. When I saw the huge amount of people, I panicked a moment, until I realized that a) the trigger line was already sent and no way could I stop my horde of Loosians from attacking now and b) the names weren't red.
Then Micositu backstabbed Mephaos, and things escalated! Kinda hilarious that he picked Mephaos of all people to backstab.
You create a pool of water in the air in front of you, and look through it, sensing Mathonwy at Sanctum of the Dawnlord. (41201) From your knowledge, that room is in Chaos Plane.
You say, "Duanathar." You quickly utter "Duanathar" and your wings flare with power before swiftly carrying you up to on the clouds. On the clouds (indoors). A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Seftin Azon is here. Sempai Daslin Esben-Gunnar is here. You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, and in. [south - Orzaansyn (1)] Jovie flies up from the ground, carried by a pair of eagle's wings that flare with power. [here - Jovie (1)] Jovie removes a pair of eagle's wings. Jovie leaves to the south. [south - Jovie (1)] [east - Tesha (1)] Daslin says in a deep, growling voice, "Deaaath run." Daslin leaves to the down. [down - Daslin (1)] [south - Noj (1)] Daslin has been slain by the might of a knight of the Maldaathi. You say, "What..." Seftin Azon says to you, "What the." You look about in confusion.
No no no. The quote was more that their entire group hit allsight and the only unveiled one was Dalran. Tirac and Dragonknight were fighting Eleusis (which was so very awkward a while before that when we were waiting for Ashtan and they were waiting for Eleusis).
Yeah, I need to step my game up, when they all go somewhere I can never figure out where they are and hope someone I see them target doesn't have a veil so I can find them
are worth twenty times as much points!"
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "In three minutes, announce more trivia that there are no
eggs on Meropis."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "You're spoiling my fun."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "Good!"
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "Cooper wanted me to let you all know that he changed his
mind again and is re-joining Targossas. Let the celebrations commence!"
I think I lost that round.
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "Now you're playing with fire!"
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "Wrong, good sir! I am playing with eggs, you included."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "You're lucky I'm awfully lazy."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "That's like saying I'm lucky the sky hasn't fallen. It's
business as usual."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos shouts, "Unlike our marketeers, I am willing to sell my clever quips!
Especially quips about Cooper. Enquiries should be accompanied by credits."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "I would like to purchase one clever quip regarding how
large your mother is."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "You'd like to purchase a quip high-lighting how small you
are? Done!"
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "I can transform into a Dragon in four seconds, let's not
bring my size into this."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "It only takes four seconds? Yes, that's what I heard
about you."
You tell Tharos, the Announcer of Delos, "I'm going to do something to you. Something bad."
Tharos, the Announcer of Delos tells you, "You'll have to buy me dinner first!"
Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."
opens wide to emit a rippling, unbroken roar that reverberates through your body.
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% [disr] SE|W 00:33:38.795(concentrate)(-1785h, 23.3%)
You begin intense concentration to restore your equilibrium. (0.145s)
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:38.940
Micositu takes some balm from a vial and rubs it on his legs.
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.248
Micositu eats a potash crystal.
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.256
Charging quickly an irate mountain goat rams his long horns into the gut of Micositu.
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.555
You may eat another bit of irid moss or potash.
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.854(outr irid|eat irid)
You may eat another plant or mineral. (1.697s)
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.863
You remove 1 irid moss, bringing the total in the Rift to 1935.
792h, 5067m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:39.985
You eat some irid moss.
You feel your health and mana replenished.
1405h, 5579m, 30134e, 21543w bk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.294(+613h, 8.0%, +512m, 8.0%)
You have recovered balance on all limbs. (3.234s)
1405h, 5579m, 30134e, 21555w xbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.597
You have recovered equilibrium. (2.101s)
1405h, 5579m, 30134e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.896(summon venom)
Hasar takes a drink from an oaken vial.
1405h, 5579m, 30154e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:40.906
With a great shudder, you begin to summon forth the defiling, deadly wyrmvenom of legend.
1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.051(-300m, 4.7%) fly
The aural world fades to silence.
1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exdbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.362
You may drink another health or mana elixir or tonic.
1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exdbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.371(sip health)
There is not enough overhead room to fly.
1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exdbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.550
A sudden sense of panic overtakes you as the draconic curse manifests, afflicting you with
Your hearing is suddenly restored.
1405h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.564(eat hawthorn|outr 1 hawthorn)
You take a drink from an elegant nacreous vial.
The elixir heals and soothes you.
2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:41.703(+1267h, 16.5%)
You eat a hawthorn berry.
2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.017
You remove 1 hawthorn berry, bringing the total in the Rift to 959.
2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.027
Exelethril viciously seizes Micositu in his jaws, tossing him effortlessly into the air before
catching him in a second bite.
2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.038
Micositu takes a drink from a stygian vial.
2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.046
Thundering wildly, a storm of venom-infused droplets rain down upon the area.
2672h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.323
You bleed 74 health.
2598h, 5279m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.331(-74h, 1.0%)
Charging quickly an irate mountain goat rams his long horns into the gut of Micositu.
Micositu has been slain by an irate mountain goat.
2981h, 5354m, 30054e, 21555w exbk 90.6% SE|W 00:33:42.633(+383h, 5.0%, +75m, 1.2%)
That goat saved my life! Also, was a great skirmish, cool of you guys to bring two dragons vs two dragons! Great fun!
[ SnB PvP Guide | Link ]
(ClanX): You say, "So, I created a script that needs to honours people... and I totally used finger instead."
(ClanX): Nieelensars says, "Oh fuck me youc an finger people."
(Ashtan): Nieelensars says, "If thats the truth I wanna finger you Cathy."
Dartega arrives from the west.
Bonko Bayt al-Azhan, the Prince of Thieves says, "Here have a gift."
Bonko gives a small, deflated red balloon to Dartega.
Bonko Bayt al-Azhan, the Prince of Thieves says, "Deflated, just like your spirit."
Bonko attempts to stifle his amusement but cannot help laughing aloud.
(Maldaathi): Aepas says, "Our new one is amazingly curious about combat. He obviously knows some, but is still very new."
(Grunts): Ascion says, "Salutations, high lady."
(Grunts): You say, "How is your introduction to the guild coming along?"
(Maldaathi): You say, "Ah, excellent."
(Maldaathi): Aepas says, "But his curiousity knows no bounds. He is about to drive me mad."
(Maldaathi): You say, "Well, answer his questions, but ensure he is aware his focus needs to be on passing his trial."
(Maldaathi): Aepas says, "It's adorable in the worst of ways."
(Grunts): Ascion says, "Oh, quite well. The other people are extremely friendly! I've also done a very evil thing, so you'll be quite proud. A little pixie girl asked me to play, I decayed her corpse then sold it."
Honourable, knight eternal,
Darkly evil, cruel infernal.
Necromanctic to the core,Dance with death forever more.
That love soon might end You are unbreaking
And be known in its aching Though quaking
Shown in this shaking Though crazy
Lately of my wasteland, baby That's just wasteland, baby
Allsight: Dalran enters On the clouds. (3885)
From your knowledge, that room is in Clouds.
You bid your guardian angel to seek out the lifeforce of Dalran.
Your guardian angel senses Dalran at On the clouds, on a health of 2834 and a mana of 3028.
(Clouds) 3885
He is with Jhui.
He is with Tirac.
He is with Rennyn.
He is with Austere.
He is with Dunn.
He is with Dragonknight.
He is with Strata.
He is with Rip.
He is with Kross.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
You take a long drag off your pipe. (8 malachite left)
An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui.
It sails harmlessly past you.
Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him.
(Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Silverveil Promenade in Targossas (Veil's End)."
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
You have recovered equilibrium. (2.741s)(reject Hirst)
(Party): Halos says, "Trace: Kaos entered Veil's End in Targossas (Veil's End)."
You reject the friendship of Hirst. (2.513s)
An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui.
It sails harmlessly past you.
You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
Hirst quickly flings a tarot card at you, and you feel unreasonable lust for him.
You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
You have recovered equilibrium. (1.662s)(reject Hirst)
You reject the friendship of Hirst. (1.054s)
You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It strikes you, gouging a deep and bloody wound.
| SHOT! | SHOT! |
A prickly stinging overcomes your body, fading away into numbness.(sip vitality|outr magnesium|eat
magnesium|outr potash|eat potash) (-1156h, 32.7%)
An arrow flies towards you, shot by Dunn.
It sails harmlessly past you.
You take a drink from a black-walnut vial.
The tonic heals and soothes you. (+570h, 16.1%)
You remove 1 magnesium, bringing the total in the Rift to 2040.
You eat a magnesium chip.
Your muscles unlock; you are no longer paralysed. (0.346s) (-60m, 1.3%)
You remove 1 potash, bringing the total in the Rift to 660.
You eat a potash crystal.
You feel your health and mana replenished. (+283h, 8.0%, +160m, 3.5%)
You bleed 88 health. (-88h, 2.5%)
You are recovering equilibrium and cannot move yet. (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m, 1.3%) (-60m,
An arrow flies towards you, shot by Jhui.
It sails harmlessly past you.
An arrow flies in towards you.
It sails harmlessly past you.
... Or one really slow one, it's hard to tell without timestamps.
4695h|100%h 4133m|96%m 100%e 100%w 60.0% exk-02:36:18:869
Town centre of New Thera.
Awash in a constant array of blossom petals, an amber-gold metal and marble statue of Ariel, the
former mayor of Thera, sits here. A marble fountain sculpted into a lifelike blossom tree within a
basin sits at the centrepoint of the plaza. A bright red Logosmas stocking with the name
"Dragonknight" stitched on it hangs improbably in the air here. A bright red Logosmas stocking with
the name "Peak" stitched on it hangs improbably in the air here. There are 2 burly Theran guards
here. A New Theran villager stands here at ease. @Rayn is here. You may ENTER the WILDERNESS map
from here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, south, and west.
I laughed.
Then Micositu backstabbed Mephaos, and things escalated! Kinda hilarious that he picked Mephaos of all people to backstab.
(Targossas): Misdun says, "Apologies!"
Oh, how I've missed you, @Misdun.
From your knowledge, that room is in Chaos Plane.
Fucking knew it, @Silas.
You quickly utter "Duanathar" and your wings flare with power before swiftly carrying you up to on the clouds.
On the clouds (indoors).
A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. Seftin Azon is here. Sempai Daslin Esben-Gunnar
is here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up, down, and in.
[south - Orzaansyn (1)]
Jovie flies up from the ground, carried by a pair of eagle's wings that flare with power.
[here - Jovie (1)]
Jovie removes a pair of eagle's wings.
Jovie leaves to the south.
[south - Jovie (1)]
[east - Tesha (1)]
Daslin says in a deep, growling voice, "Deaaath run."
Daslin leaves to the down.
[down - Daslin (1)]
[south - Noj (1)]
Daslin has been slain by the might of a knight of the Maldaathi.
You say, "What..."
Seftin Azon says to you, "What the."
You look about in confusion.
I'm really really confused. DAH FUK