Memorable quotes



  • edited October 2012
    Raphaelan Highway near Delos (road).
    --- Area 33: The Southern Wilderness --------
                 [ ]
                                 [ ]
                                -[ ]
    --- Raphaelan Highway near Delos - 0:28:0 ---
    The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. A statue of sparkling gold stands here, exhibiting Aepas's final moments.
    You see exits leading southeast and northwest.
    |100%HP|97MP%|99%EP|100%WP|excdbk|38%XP|target:none|shin:|stance:mir|p statue
    Mouth gaping in a soundless scream, this gleaming statue depicts the final moments of Aepas's life. Its face a mask of shock and agony, the features are contorted gruesomely, one arm half-raised in a gesture of fruitless self defence. Sculpted in lustrous gold, every detail of the xoran's body is captured with startling precision, the artist's prowess evident in every lifelike contour. An unnatural coldness emanates from within the metal, as if the chill of the grave had been given physical form.
    It has about a month of usefulness left.
    It weighs 0 ounce(s).

    It's been a looong time since I've seen one of these.

  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena
    edited October 2012

    4700h, 3938m ex-
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with Shunsui's forehead.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with Shunsui's forehead.
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with Shunsui's forehead.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    Shunsui has been slain by an ormyrr guard.
    A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Shunsui in red light.
    A group of 2 goldenseal roots falls from Shunsui's person.
    A group of 2 bloodroot leaves falls from Shunsui's person.
    Some irid moss falls from Shunsui's person.
    A group of 3 pieces of kelp falls from Shunsui's person.
    4700h, 3938m ex-
    Inhaling deeply, an ormyrr guard belches forth a noxious, green flame that cooks
    Shunsui's flesh.
    Inhaling deeply, an ormyrr guard belches forth a noxious, green flame that cooks
    Shunsui's flesh.
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with Shunsui's forehead.
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with Shunsui's forehead.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    An ormyrr guard connects the blunt end of his weapon with Shunsui's forehead.
    Whirling his bardiche in a lazy arc overhead, an ormyrr guard moves forward with
    fluid grace in spite of his ponderous bulk to slice deeply into an unprotected
    patch of Shunsui's flesh.
    An ormyrr guard slashes at Shunsui's neck with his bardiche.
    4700h, 3938m ex-

  • 7500 health to dead and then some in a single prompt, so yes, ouchies. I deserved it for for being stupid and trying to brazier bash them though, good thing I died before killing one >.>

  • KryptonKrypton shi-Khurena


    "a muscular ormyrr"

    The deep-set, sanguine eyes of this stout creature flick myopically from behind
    glutinous eyelids, each lethargic blink casting a moist film over the lens. Akin
    to a large reptile, the ormyrr looms just shy of seven feet, his muscular body
    rippling with health and vigour. Mottled grey scales cover the entirety of his
    broad frame and each precise row overlaps the preceding ones, creating the image
    of armour. Riddling his upper body is a vast maze of healed scars and vivid
    gashes, his shoulders hunching forward as if unable to bear the weight of his
    misshapen head. A series of protruding ridges adorns his back and flows
    downwards from his skull, the bony masses petering out just below the waist.
    Razor-sharp claws nestle languidly into the pits of huge palms, flexing
    unconsciously as the ormyrr shifts his hefty girth from one meaty leg to the

    "an ormyrr guard"

    Muscle and sinew sit in thick deposits on the calves, thighs, torso, and arms of
    this armoured ormyrr. A tough, keratin scute covers the draconic humanoid, and
    thick, heptagonal scales protrude from the skin on his forearms, legs, and the
    crown of his head. Uniformly dark in colour, the tall ormyrr has a broad, flat
    head that lacks visible ears, and a flat nose. Double-membraned eyelids blink in
    rapid succession as the guard keeps careful vigil over his surroundings. Mottled
    lips curl back in a sneer to reveal a row of stark white teeth with slightly
    pronounced canines. The ormyrr wears a set of padded armour and carries a
    massive bardiche with apparent ease.

    "an ormyrr priest"

    Thick velvet robes dyed amaranthine and accented with coquelicot stitching adorn
    this priest of the ormyrr. His face lies hidden within the deep folds of the
    fabric, with only his flat nose and the gleam of his lutescent eyes visible from
    within the shadows. His grey-toned, scute-covered hands are exposed, each
    thrice-jointed finger ending with an overgrown, chalky talon. A sharp, metallic
    tang hangs in the air around the priest, his laboured exhalations perfuming the
    air with the unnatural scent.

  • edited October 2012
    Lunging forward with long, flashing claws extended, you tear into the flesh of Hirst's right leg.
    Hirst parries the attack with a deft manoeuvre.

    Hirst raises his hand in greeting and says "Hi!"

    You have recovered balance on all limbs.

    Lunging forward with long, flashing claws extended, you tear into the flesh of Hirst's left leg.

    Drawing an enormous breath, you exhale, expelling a gale of wind with such force that Hirst is
    knocked over.

    Hirst stands up and stretches his arms out wide.

    Eldritch Chaos Warrior Hirst da'Miras says in a raspy, guttural voice, "Newb."

    It's quality interactions like this which make raids by Ashtan so enjoyable.
  • Man, I think that's one word more than any Shallamese has ever said to me when trying to raid Ashtan. (This post was not seriously justifying that).
  • Still better than "Sup, bitch".
  • Tanris said:
    Man, I think that's one word more than any Shallamese has ever said to me when trying to raid Ashtan. (This post was not seriously justifying that).
    To be fair, one word less would probably be worth more.
  • Tanris said:
    Man, I think that's one word more than any Shallamese has ever said to me when trying to raid Ashtan. (This post was not seriously justifying that).
    I think you scare most Shallamese to the point they aren't capable of speaking, though.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    Silly Sohl.

     Animals don't eat people.

     People eat animals. 

    Silly Sohl.


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited October 2012
    Synbios said:
    -Aurify Statue-

    It's been a looong time since I've seen one of these.
    Shoutouts to Cadarus the greatest Alchemist in Achaea for guarding me from Aepas right after I class changed.
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    ^ Best served cold
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    H: 43 (0%), M: 3313 (71%) 18887w, 29000e 33.7% e|cdbkr- 03:56:44.496  -
    You tumble out of the room.

    No kidding Vadi
  • Willpower griefing

  • Rajan said:

    The ground around you rumbles and shakes as the earth parts. A humble shrine of Keresis rises from the ground.
    3951h (100%), 3302m (99%), 87%e, 100%w 31% s cdbk|ex [Mhun]  (23:31:19.712)-
    Harmonia makes her offering, praying for the shrine's defilement and risking the anger of Keresis.
    The shrine of Keresis shudders for a moment before collapsing into a pile of useless splinters and dust.

    Serves you right because of the bolded. </forum RP>
  • Dripping with a carnal purpose, a prostitute lounges here, plying her wares.

    Seriously..?  Of all the adjectives, why dripping?  And plying her wares?  From the Mirriam-Websters:
    b : to practice or perform diligently <ply a trade>

    Finally, trade might be better; let's remember exactly what a prostitute's wares are.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • LiancaLianca Fire and Spice
    Don't get her changed, she's horribly perfect!
    The sweltering heat of the forge spills out across the land as the rumbling voice of Phaestus booms, "I want you to know, the Garden reaction to that one is: What?"
    The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
  • Considering how many high level people die to her, I'd like to see you suggest a change to her face.
  • why would you complain about someone being so clearly excited to see you?
  • Tagg said:
    why would you complain about someone being so clearly excited to see you?

    Clearly, she is a butterface abhorrent admirer.

  • You say to Metzger, "Give this to [name redacted] for me?"
    4428h, 4716m, 19600e, 22480w exdb-
    Kaitali gives a trillingly melodic laugh.
    4428h, 4716m, 19600e, 22480w exdb-give costume to metzger

    You give a wench costume to Metzger.
    4428h, 4716m, 19600e, 22480w exdb-
    Kaitali Xanatov-Jinx, Viperas Potentor says, "I didn't even notice that one."
    4428h, 4716m, 19600e, 22480w exdb-
    Metzger enthuses, "Sure!"
    4428h, 4716m, 19600e, 22480w exdb-

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    Shoshonna buys some lanternses.

    Wait...that can't be right?
  • edited October 2012
    nvm not jinxing it
  • Vayne said:

    Shoshonna buys some lanternses.

    Wait...that can't be right?

    TIL Shoshonna is the Gollum of Achaea

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • DaslinDaslin The place with the oxygen
    @Bonko, oi! You back now!?
  • (Shallam): Hallis says, "I'd rather say don't fiddle Salik's whistle. He'll get a huge ego and then
    he'll be even harder to bear."

    (Shallam): You say, "Hallis, you used to enjoy to fiddle my "whistle"."


    (Shallam): Hallis says, "I'll radiance you."
    4700h, 3047m, 21710e, 15570w ecdbkr|-
    You tell Manach Hallis Evensong, Dubh Ros, "Hahaha."
    4700h, 3047m, 21720e, 15570w ecdbkr|-
    You have recovered balance on all limbs. (2.063s)
    4700h, 3047m, 21720e, 15570w excdbkr|-
    Sweat flies from your brow as you continue forging raw materials into an ornate steel rapier.
    4700h, 3047m, 21715e, 15570w ecdbkr|-
    (Shallam): Senoske says, "I knew this was going somewhere bad."
    4700h, 3047m, 21715e, 15570w ecdbkr|-
    (Shallam): Alexius says, "Grim."

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