Memorable quotes



  • @Sena So it does. Didn't know about the Pillar.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    edited October 2012
    After theft:

    Nynaeve tells you, "I'm just realized who you are, I'm friends with your daughter, why are you stealing from me?"

    You tell Nynaeve, "I have many daughters, and because you're not a citizen of Ashtan nor any of the Houses. I can hardly be expected to keep up with the friends of my daughter."

    Nynaeve tells you, "I was thinking of becoming a citzen of Ashtan..."

    Nynaeve tells you, "Don't think I will now if it's full of assholes."

    You tell Nynaeve, "There're thieves in every city."

    Nynaeve tells you, "Theives don't have to be asses."

    ^ Quality interaction right there.

  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    And all of Ashtan mourned the loss.
  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
  • edited October 2012
    @Kresslack: Eh, it doesn't look too bad. I mean, sure, it's not a particularly deep or insightful way of communicating, but it's a perfectly valid IC stance.

    I'd guess there are quite a few Achaeans who would have good reason to consider your character an 'asshole'.
  • Seconding @Iocun's sentiment. It's perfectly legitimate, and despite what @Vayne says, better than some of the actual Ashtani stuff I've laughed about on these forums.

    (Not to say that the other stuff is representative, just that Vayne's quip is a bit unfair.)
  • VayneVayne Rhode Island
    edited October 2012
    I agree with @Iocun's thoughts on the interaction, but being a legitimate response does not indicate nor validate that it was a quality interaction on her part but only that it was essentially in character. You can hardly expect thieves to take it easy on your wife's sister's doctor's girlfriend because of some vague connection in a game where everyone is cousins. However, indignance is a perfectly reasonable response to being robbed, but calling an entire city assholes because of it is a bit much. My point is that I don't think Ashtan will miss a character that is so quick to insult their entire city.

    @Delphinus You also use the "other Ashtani stuff" comment to gaff Ashtan so as to indirectly discredit Kresslack, yet added the caveat as an after thought that it is not necessarily representative of Ashtani RP so that you seem fair yourself while finally stating that my own comment was out of context. I would say your quip is unfair.
  • edited October 2012
    @Vayne: Except it isn't to discredit Ashtani, nor even @Kresslack. The only point that pertains to Kresslack is that it isn't really a poor interaction. I'm using the rest to deflate your idea that Ashtan has nothing to gain from her, owing to some higher standard, and I'd say the same of Eleusis.
  • colloquial combatants, would you kindly calm down?
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Delphinus said:
    @Vayne: Except it isn't to discredit Ashtani, nor even @Kresslack. The only point that pertains to Kresslack is that it isn't really a poor interaction. I'm using the rest to deflate your idea that Ashtan has nothing to gain from her, owing to some higher standard, and I'd say the same of Eleusis.
    I think Ashtan might be better off without one more person with an overwhelming sense of entitlement and judgmental tendencies. From an IC standpoint, I think it was pretty lackluster, and just made her a target for more theft, and death.

    It's understandable that one would get upset about being stolen from, but as Vayne said, It's not as if every thief out there grants immunity to every friend of a friend, etc. Didn't know she knew my daughter, and it's not really relevant to begin with.

    So, all that considered, I don't see how following in the lines with my profession makes myself an asshole, or my entire city 'full of assholes'. I steal from people, and move on minding my business, in the cases of keys and letters, I give them a chance to negotiate for the return. 

  • edited October 2012
    Doesn't really sound like an overwhelming sense of entitlement. It makes perfect sense not wanting to join a city whose citizens constantly rob you and the city is ok with it. I can't judge how your character would be considered an "asshole" for the way he steals, because Iocun wasn't ever on the receiving end of it, so I lack the personal experience with Kresslack. But from second-hand accounts and Cyrene's charge logs I can see some things that would make it quite understandable for some people to have very negative feelings.

    As for the "friend or your daughter" thing: Well, I assume the sentiment came from suddenly realizing "oi, that nasty person is actually the father of my friend!", which can be a rather shocking discovery, so she voiced it, even though yes, your character can't of course be expected to be aware of all of his daughter's friends and treat them as such.
  • Hey you know what's funny? The word asshole. Ass. Hole. hahahahahaha. Anyway, quotes anyone? Please?
  • Lmao Crathen so drunk.
  • Rapture Runtime Environment v2.2.0 -- (c) 2012 -- Iron Realms Entertainment
    Multi-User License: 100-0000-000


                     Achaea, Dreams of Divine Lands

                     "Your fate and fame shall be
                   an echo and a light unto eternity."


               Achaea's IP address is
               For general questions e-mail
               247 adventurers are currently in the realms.

               1. Enter the game.
               2. Create a new character.
               3. Quit.

    Enter an option or enter your character's name.

    <starting MCCP data compression>
    What is your password?
    (svo): GMCP is enabled! svo has been auto-configured to work with GMCP.

    Password correct. Welcome to Achaea.
    (mapper): We're connected to Achaea.

    *** You have new messages ***
    Your moon tattoo tingles slightly.
    Your boar tattoo tingles slightly.
    Your moss tattoo tingles slightly.
    You are blind and can see nothing but darkness.
    (svo): Your max health changed to 3807h - sipping, moss and other values have been automatically
    (svo): Your max mana changed to 4588m - sipping, moss and other values have been automatically
    3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-(apply caloric|thirdeye|touch cloak)(+3807h, 100.0%, +4588m, 100.
    3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-(parry torso)
    You take out some salve and quickly rub it on your skin.
    A feeling of comfortable warmth spreads over you.
    3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    You now possess the gift of the third eye.
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-(-27m, 0.6%)
    You do not have any weapons capable of parrying, warrior.
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-(parry torso)
    You do not have any weapons capable of parrying, warrior.
    (svo): Oops. Can't parry with a black boar plush.
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    You may apply another salve or balm to yourself.
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    -=[ Tired of bashing the Underworld alone? Vote for Achaea at TopMudSites and help bring in new
    players! - Thanks! ]=-
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    (svo): *yawn*. Morning!
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    Cooper tells you, "<#."
    3807h, 4561m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    (svo): System paused.
    (svo): protip: You can create your own priority lists, and swap them in depending on your fighting
    (p) 3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    Cooper tells you, "*,3."
    (p) 3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    (mapper): The mapper script was updated! Would you like to download the update? Click here if so.
    Cooper tells you, "Oh god."
    (p) 3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-
    Cooper tells you, "I've only had two beers."
    (p) 3807h, 4588m, 17385e, 19755w exb-Cooper hahaha
    You tell Cooper Ravenwind, "Hahaha."
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Checked qw and saw this name:

    Ydachikachishiroul (female Siren).
    She is 330 years old, having been born on the 18th of Scarlatan, 277 years after the fall of the Seleucarian Empire.
    She is unranked in Achaea.
    She is an extremely credible character.
    She is not known for acts of infamy.
    She is considered to be approximately 15% of your might.
    She is a mentor and able to take on proteges.
    Her warcry: '.'
    She has been divorced 2 times.


  • AerekAerek East Tennessee, USA
    Learning how to spell Ydachikachishiroul was a rite of passage when I started playing, just in case she ever entered a raid setting.
    -- Grounded in but one perspective, what we perceive is an exaggeration of the truth.
  • Same. I always think of her as Ydachi-kachi-shiroul
  • AchillesAchilles Los Angeles
    Someone else said it sounded like cheesy porn music.  bowchickabowwow
  • Plebs. I just do T YDACHI. Now if Ydachikachishiroul was raiding with a newbie named Ydachi, well, that's one less raider to worry about before going for the main target.

  • Oceana said:
    Scivi breaks a crunchy cookie in half and pulls out a tiny slip of paper. He pops the cookie into his mouth, and only then does he look at the fortune. "Take pleasure in the joy of another today. If that doesn't make you smile, try killing their pony," he reads aloud. :-/
    Pretty sure the last time I got that one it was "try killing their kitten".
  • Synbios said:

    Plebs. I just do T YDACHI. Now if Ydachikachishiroul was raiding with a newbie named Ydachi, well, that's one less raider to worry about before going for the main target.

    Mudlet tab autocomplete will change your life
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    i am glad i don't ever have to target anyone, thanks to klondike bars


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • edited October 2012
    Mishgul said:

    i am glad i don't ever have to target anyone, thanks to klondike bars

    I don't get it. At all.

    Also screw pirates. Target me and kill me all time

    League of Legends: IA ROCKS (NA)
    Guild Wars 2: erasariel.1532 - Devona's Rest (NA)
    Final Fantasy XIV: Novi Selea - Cactuar (NA)
    Achaea: Erasariel (duh!)
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    (Party): You say, "Cooper sniped southwest."
    Cooper arrives from the southwest.
    Cooper eats some irid moss.
    Cooper gives a mighty yell, then suddenly looks about sharply seemingly drained yet refreshed.
    Cooper eats a piece of kelp.
    Cooper eats a piece of kelp.
    Cooper Ravenwind says, "Duanathar."
    Cooper is swiftly carried into the skies and out of sight by a pair of eagle's wings.
    (Party): Tanris says, "Cooper out."
    Cooper has been slain by the might of a fiery efreeti.
    Cooper has been slain by a fiery efreeti.

    Dat efreeti.

  • JonathinJonathin Retired in a hole.
    @Erasariel: You should say something to some Shallamese navy person somewhere sometime and maybe another ship just might sail out and sink the pirates. Just sayin.
    I am retired and log into the forums maybe once every 2 months. It was a good 20 years, live your best lives, friends.
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