League of Legends



  • Damn. 

    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Anyone else alpha testing the new client? It's pretty damn sexy.
  • I am. I got in on the very first wave. Like, the instant the waves started going out, I had an accepted in my inbox. It's a very pretty client. I've got some gripes about it so far--which I've aired--and hopefully they listen. Found a few bugs--mostly minor--but all in all, I really like the alpha client.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    I've never been hit with anything for a warning or Leaver Buster, but after playing through a match today before work, a storm popped up and my power ended up going out. Couldn't reconnect. Get home after work, login, and see this pop up. 

    Is this going to affect my queuing or just a verbal warning or something? Also, I don't dodge or leave matches ever unless it's the power going out or something happening to my computer that disconnects me. 

    Just a little confused as to why I'm getting this for a once in a blue-moon type of thing.

  • The fact that you're getting that actually reinforces what you're saying about never leaving. That warning only happens on the first reported leave since the changes from mid-2013. Don't worry too much about it, Riot usually only bans people who rage THEN quit, or who quit frequently. 
    Source: I have about 6 different league accounts, and have gotten that message no more than once on any of them since mid-2013. And one of them may or may not be a troll smurf account (sub-30) that I leave games from all the time.
    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Ok good to know.

  • Hi guys ^_^ Um, any chance I could be inducted into the Achaean League clan? I had no idea this thread existed until now, but I'm a big league player
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Play Taric support tonight for the first time in a while. I like the Taric redesign, but not a fan of the skill changes. 

  • The in-game clan is so quiet! I'd love to play with more people, it's more fun that way :D!
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    I think I dropped off the grid a year or so back, but @unst3blich if anyone is looking for late night matches. I've been getting back into the habit of playing a match or two to wind down after work.

  • The clan has always been quiet. I think you shmucks are just afraid of me hearing you talk D: I'm a normally quiet person anyway, who plays at odd times(well, I think they're odd times, they're probably relatively normal)
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • My second monitor broke so I haven't been on as constantly, I like to have achaea on one and something graphicsy on the other. But people can message me in game if I'm around if they ever want to play! Might just be distracted watching Netflix or something  <_<
  • So, better than in-game channels that you can't see in game and blah blah:


    If your mic is bad, setup PTT. If it's not, learn how to set sensitivity levels. I made a channel for LoL. If you afk for 15m it kicks you down a level.

    Discord is the best download it.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • But achaea already has a discord D: :P I don't know where to get the link thing from, though. New fangled technologies. Darn you kids, get off my lawn!
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Yeah but I'm in this one. Way better.
    Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."

  • The Achaea one has Pentharian, though. :P
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • KresslackKresslack Florida, United States
    Probably the longest, and most fun match I've had in a while, since I had time for a 5v5 for once.

  • SzanthaxSzanthax San Diego
    Daklore said:
    The Achaea one has Pentharian, though. :P

  • SKT! SKT! SKT!

  • Cynlael said:
    SKT! SKT! SKT!
    Cheering for SKT almost seem like a waste of time. Like, who else is going to win? Nobody.

  • SSG and ROX have both given them a run during Champions. Both teams have been considered favoured to win over SKT, even.

  • Called it.

    Someone is going to win another (2nd or 3rd) world title next week!

    SKT! SKT! SKT!

  • I don't know how many of you guys are watching the finals, but hot damn what a rollercoaster ride.
  • Nononinonono. I cant watch for another 6 hours!
  •  :3             

  • The difference between ranked divisions.
  • League is the game I have spent way, way too much time on...but I justify it as a jungler, since every season (and practically every few patches) feels like a new game all over again.

    Bananagram on NA if anyone's up for games now and then. Only had time to make it to Plat V last season, but I like to play normals/ARAMs/weekly random mode.

  • Still better than me D: We still do have an Achaea clan/group/club/whatever. Hardly anyone talks on it, if you want in. (I'm obviously Daklore on NA) Silver 3... I plan to make a serious attempt on gold for season 7, though... ... yeah, probs not happenin.
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
  • Well, once you get into series once, if you lose you still get a free win the next time you enter it, even for the S1-->G5 promos. Lasts all the way up to G1-->P5.

    I only started ranking the last week of the season when everyone's at maximum toxicity - you have plenty of time to hit gold this coming season!

  • Technically... it's true...

    And yeah, I know, 1 free win when you re-hit series you lost. I lost promos to S2 three times at the end of season, I just decided to call it quits. The time crunch wasn't worth it for my anxiety. I got to silver 3 pretty easily as was, I imagine getting to gold is probably an inevitability if I continue to play as well as I usually do, or better. I'm an ADC by trade... top lane is my secondary and I -hateses- it. I've been relying on Cho for my top laner of choice, but I wanted to get a second option(enter Poppy)... but I don't like queuing for top, because I don't like it XD And before you say, "secondary some other role", I only like ADC. Of the remaining roles, top is pretty much the only role left that I can tolerate. :3

    Also, yes, beta client. But it's nothing new to me. I was in Alpha like day 1, so I've had time to get used to how it looks :3
    When Canada rules the world,
    things will be... nii~ice.
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