It's once per achaean day. I have a feeling you could use more than one, but even for the function it grants it's barely worth the 800. Primarily an anti-gank tool.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
Barely worth the 800... what? If you can use it while prone, you can (presumably) use it while soulspeared, impaled, when you get crippled on group rush... what. Barely worth 800? Save yourself when you would otherwise be in certain death once an hour?
There are much better investments. All you have to do is wait for them to attack again or just force them to.
Or just hit them a few times with your fastest attacks/ents/etc.
Although it can be useful on allies in a raid, as long as they don't blink the reflections off right after. Still though, has to be a reason you don't see heaps of them around already.
EDIT: A set of earrings, for example.
I like my steak like I like my Magic cards: mythic rare.
There are much better investments. All you have to do is wait for them to attack again or just force them to.
Or just hit them a few times with your fastest attacks/ents/etc.
Although it can be useful on allies in a raid, as long as they don't blink the reflections off right after. Still though, has to be a reason you don't see heaps of them around already.
EDIT: A set of earrings, for example.
Earrings don't save you when you're prone, waiting for them to attack when you're executing your finisher isn't a viable tactic wtf you on about.
If you don't think having superior mobility is a huge, gamechanging advantage, then you're obviously not playing the same game as everybody else. Wings is a big advantage, earrings are even bigger.
Take off your earrings, humgii your wings, and classchange to Bard (or any other class with no innate mobility). See how long it takes you to put them back on after a few skirmishes when room hinder is your biggest nightmare.
Also holy shit at that reflection wand.
I'm not sure which things you didn't understand about the mobility discussion, but I feel safe guessing 'all of them'.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Prone defense is crazy rare and crazy valuable, totally worth it if you don't expect a nerf. Seems like an overlooked thing to me, but I have been surprised by what is doable whilst prone.
Even usable once a day that's a pretty huge advantage for classes that don't normally have access to anything that works prone.
Also looked like only the kick in a combo was destroying a reflection, but the punches weren't doing any damage? That is probably a bug.
Mobility is an absolutely huge advantage. Can you fight without it? Sure. But you'll never be as effective and you lose options.
Also, "We dominated a bandersnatch"? Seriously? That's up there with beating Hashan in a war in terms of meaningless achievements that prove precisely nothing.
@Antonius I think his point was more along the lines of "During that one otherwise unimportant event where we couldn't use wings, we still won."
Also, I think -most- people buy earrings to get out of ganks / kill rooms - that is the only reason I bought mine - not for raiding. Using them during raids, etc, is just a nice bonus. So for what it's worth, Targossian gank squads being lame are a big reason you now have tons of raiders with earrings. I bought mine directly after getting trapped by a group of people in Cloisters of Righteousness.
Also, if you guys really think you're that down on mobility, why don't you turn the orb of confinement back on? Those are still around, right?
Also, after considering the retardation implications of that wand of reflection (I had no idea it worked prone), I'm definitely getting one.
Pretty sure we don't even own an orb. Why would we waste millions of gold on one?
Ashtan has had a huge earring network for ages, from before I started playing again just before the Y600 games. That was before Targossas existed and any ganking happened on a regular basis on our side (that I'm aware of). Tanris also stated in the past - possibly more than once - that a primary motivator for buying earrings was having to fight against piety/gravehands when raiding.
When raiding Mhaldor I spend most my time flying out to pick up people that wants to join, then earringing them back to the group. Earrings are awesome. (I could blow the mono and portal too, but meh).
If you don't think having superior mobility is a huge, gamechanging advantage, then you're obviously not playing the same game as everybody else. Wings is a big advantage, earrings are even bigger.
Take off your earrings, humgii your wings, and classchange to Bard (or any other class with no innate mobility). See how long it takes you to put them back on after a few skirmishes when room hinder is your biggest nightmare.
Also holy shit at that reflection wand.
I'm not sure which things you didn't understand about the mobility discussion, but I feel safe guessing 'all of them'.
There wasn't really any discussion, just you railing off on shit that you've clearly got no solid experience with.
Seriously, try playing without hard mobility for a little while and you'll understand the sort of advantages it entails a lot better.
You do realize I raided for a RL year as a Magi with no earrings right? Then another year as Bard without earrings while I was in Mhaldor? No, you probably don't and think Ashtani are born with earrings in their ears.
Please continue talking about things you clearly have no understanding of, it's really just embarrassing for you and hilarious for me.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Why in the name of two fucks and a can of lager are you arguing that earrings mobility is a good thing for the game, then? Instantaneous travel mid-combat is probably Achaea's worst mechanic (apart from fashioning) as it completely polarizes combat into the people that are capable of it and the people that are not. There's little feasible recourse against it except putting up with it and getting some yourself (see: the Veil defense).
I don't understand how you can laud it as a good thing, for all your supposed experience. God, raiding as a Bard for 3 months had me foaming at the mouth WITH wings. Without? I'd probably have morphed into Shecks by now. When I was a Jester, instant-travel + hangedman/aeon spam got the people I was fighting with a kill nearly every time in most circumstances. There's nothing fun about fighting against a person with it, either.
Earrings are a mechanic that add strong, but not uncounterable, utility to any class. They are beatable with a coordinated lock down, but if you can't coordinate enough to kill someone it probably does seem OP. Without the ability to get things like earrings, fighting against groups twice our size in enemy totems would be difficult to say the least. However, with them, we can expand our mobility and increase the skill cap of any individual player by expanding the options available at any given time. This lets us win those ridiculously outnumbered fights instead of just getting bashing attacked down one at a time, even when a number of the people on the enemy team have earrings as well (albeit not as many as us, currently).
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
@Shecks If there was a dislike button I would have gone with that. But there isn't, and so I disagree'd because WTF didn't seem appropriate. I'm beyond disinterested in having a conversation about forum reactions though, so let's leave it at that.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Come join the Achaea discord!
Also looked like only the kick in a combo was destroying a reflection, but the punches weren't doing any damage? That is probably a bug.
Mobility is an absolutely huge advantage. Can you fight without it? Sure. But you'll never be as effective and you lose options.
Also, "We dominated a bandersnatch"? Seriously? That's up there with beating Hashan in a war in terms of meaningless achievements that prove precisely nothing.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Ashtan has had a huge earring network for ages, from before I started playing again just before the Y600 games. That was before Targossas existed and any ganking happened on a regular basis on our side (that I'm aware of). Tanris also stated in the past - possibly more than once - that a primary motivator for buying earrings was having to fight against piety/gravehands when raiding.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Eat like a caveman, train like a beast. Champions are not born, they are made.
Please continue talking about things you clearly have no understanding of, it's really just embarrassing for you and hilarious for me.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."