As a bit of amusing fact, Back in the day of bow/arrow combat, they'd have lines of archers who all would release arrows at the same time, so it's not out of scope of reality, for that to happen in Achaea. I mean, could be that teh commander yelled FIRE!!!!!111!!! and they fired.
Default keyboard repeat rate is 27 chars/sec, or 1 char/.037 seconds. You shot seven times in .049 seconds
He didn't shoot seven times in .049 seconds.
Seven people shot one time in .049 seconds.
If each person were hitting enter (default keyboard repeat rate) and sending a command every .037 seconds then you'd expect them all to go off within .037 seconds of the person entering line of sight. Seems to be about what the log shows.
I also don't see what the big deal about automated attacks is. If automated coordination is what you need to be effective then go for it. Also also, I find it hard to believe that someone would deny automation if it were indeed used by their party, if only because those lies would be out in the open for the people you're speaking on behalf of to see.
Don't people already use automation for tons of things in combat rather than manually inputting each command based on what the situation demands? Curing, envenoming, razing, target calling, etcetera, etcetera? Could someone explain the difference?
There's a huge difference between automating target calling (i.e. adding 'PT TARGET blah' to your targetting alias) and target switching, and only the latter would grant amusing results.
Default keyboard repeat rate is 27 chars/sec, or 1 char/.037 seconds. You shot three times in .018 seconds
The only problem I have with automation is that it turns clueless semi-newbs into archer botnets, allowing them to contribute without learning how, I just love how people publicly deny it like it's such a dirty tactic.
How I do search for "On-screen keyboard" with my mouse, Dunn?! It's going to be buried in some obscure menu, that's too much effort! I just want to issue people!
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
Party right, party hard,
Sing and dance, perfect bard.
Prefarar loop, accentato whore,Buy a new rapier, get nerfed some more.
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
The only problem I have with automation is that it turns clueless semi-newbs into archer botnets, allowing them to contribute without learning how, I just love how people publicly deny it like it's such a dirty tactic.
Results of disembowel testing | Knight limb counter | GMCP AB files
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