Horkval Questions!

Hi guys,

I am a new player who played IRE games many years ago and I have came back. Fallen in love with the Alchemist class, and my end goal is to do some group combat. What I have been reading about, specifically, is Horkval resistances in terms of PvP. Are they still as insane as they used to be? In terms of damage reduction (which I know is different than armor), would being a Horkval outweigh being a Human with Ringmail? 


  • Nah, Horkval resists rightfully garbage.

    If you're going Horkval, it's for leap.
  • Okay, thank you. In terms of Tankiness is Human top dog with the Sip boost?
  • EldEld
    edited July 2013
    It's difficult to judge because damage resistance (including horkval blunt/cutting resistance) works differently from armour. Armour, in general, only works to reduce part of the total damage of an attack. That is, of the total damage an attack does, some fraction will be reducible and the rest will not, and your armour will reduce the reducible portion by a percentage given by the relevant armour stat. Resistances, on the other hand, just reduce the total damage by a flat percentage. Horkval resistances are, I believe 10%. Ringmail can get up to around 60% for a given type (blunt or cutting), typically closer to 50%, I think, but since that only reduces some fraction of the total damage (which is generally unknown and may depend on your maximum health), it's really hard to do any sort of real comparison.

    That said, as a heuristic, my guess is that hork resistance probably averages out to about on par with decent ringmail. Ringmail with one particularly high stat will probably outperform it for that damage type and do correspondingly worse for the other. I've known alchemists who have switched to horkval and claimed to notice a significant improvement. Personally, as a hork blademaster, I feel a little squishy, but have never reincarnated to see if there's actually a noticeable difference for me. Ultimately, I'd say go with the race you want to roleplay as, and do the best you can with it. As long as that doesn't mean horkval runewarden or something.

    Edit: Or just listen to Mizik. Leap is awesome.
  • Thank you very much!

    I was interested in Horkval for the resistances plus the Robes, and considering only my educe iron is intelligence based and I am a Momentum class, I would much prefer to stay alive a lot longer. I also like not having to buy armor, and for roleplay purposes enjoy not having to wear it (besides, Horkval RP is pretty sweet from what I have seen).
  • I feel like taking 90% of damage versus taking 40-50% of 100% damage is a huge difference, or am I looking at it wrong?
  • I feel like taking 90% of damage versus taking 40-50% of 100% damage is a huge difference, or am I looking at it wrong?
    Say for a particular cutting attack, the reducible portion of the damage is 50%, and you have armour with 50% cutting resistance. Then you would take the full irreducible portion (50%) plus 50% of the reducible portion (50% of 50% or 25%), so 75% of the total, as opposed to 90% with horkval resistance. I have no real idea what a typical fraction for the reducible portion of an attack's damage is.
  • Why is Leap any better than Evade? Genuine question as I don't know.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • MishgulMishgul Trondheim, Norway
    nothing is better than evade


    One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important

    As drawn by Shayde
    hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae
  • Sylvance said:

    Why is Leap any better than Evade? Genuine question as I don't know.

    Maybe you want to trip mindnet so your monks know to lock you before someone else does.

    Or you're Australian and want to RP a kangaroo.

  • edited August 2013
    So there is no mechanical point in a Blademaster rolling Horkie?
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • Sylvance said:
    Why is Leap any better than Evade? Genuine question as I don't know.
    If you don't need evade for stealth or avoiding piety/ghands/etc, leap is about twice as fast as evade.
  • Except Blademasters get Leap as well, so the point is moot - if Horkval resistances aren't good enough compared to the ringmail you can get, then don't go Horkval.
  • Dorn said:
    Except Blademasters get Leap as well, so the point is moot - if Horkval resistances aren't good enough compared to the ringmail you can get, then don't go Horkval.
    Yes, leap is not a reason to go hork as blademaster. Was just answering the question about leap vs evade as asked. Dunno how blademaster came up in this thread, anyway.
  • Eld said:
    Dorn said:
    Except Blademasters get Leap as well, so the point is moot - if Horkval resistances aren't good enough compared to the ringmail you can get, then don't go Horkval.
    Yes, leap is not a reason to go hork as blademaster. Was just answering the question about leap vs evade as asked. Dunno how blademaster came up in this thread, anyway.

    Sylvance said:
    So there is no mechanical point in a Blademaster rolling Horkie?
    And I was just answering this bit.
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