IRE Client

I am just stating out with scripting and I'd like to take full advantage of the IRE Client (Quite trying to get me into Mudlet and SVO, I dun like it). Is there anyone that can give me some pointers on setting up toggles to say, sheathe and unsheathe my swords with one keybinding? I figured it out in nexus, but the IRE Client has me confused. Any help would be great.

@jovolo you da man.


  • Btw, one of the things that's upcoming for the client is a completely redone Settings window, which will make it much clearer how to do things.

    We're also going to building out system specifically for the client.
  • @sarapis

    That's awesome. I really like the clients similarity to nexus with the room readout, telling you what's there without having to IH everytime you enter a room.
  • We're pouring a lot of time/effort into that client. It's only going to get better, I promise!
  • I already like it, better might blow my mind....
  • anything can blow your mind...

    it will BLAST your mind!
  • Tarkanian said:
    anything can blow your mind...

    it will BLAST your mind!
    I think I just died
  • If anyone knows how to script a toggle for the IRE Client, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm looking for something similar to this, just not sure how exactly to script it:

    if <var>=1
      send(get gold from pack#)
      print(You really oughta spend less cash!)
      set <var>=0
      send(put gold in pack#)
      print(You need to be more frugle!!)
      set <var>=1

    Once I get this particular function figured out it will help me with several of my keybindings, so if anyone knows, I'd be grateful

    I also need help figuring out how to set a wait timer between commands. Thanks.
  • I watched some videos on you tube to learn to script wasn't completely helpful as there are none specifically for the IRE Client that I have seen yet, other then the nexus, but I haven't checked in a while.
  • @Sarapis, yeah that manual doesn't really make anything besides the basics clear to me, and you can't do much with just basics.
  • Mannimar said:
    @Sarapis, yeah that manual doesn't really make anything besides the basics clear to me, and you can't do much with just basics.
    That manual helped me after I watched the videos, those videos were like the basic 101 for me explaining what all the stuff in the manual was. In fact I had no idea what scripting was until the video explained it and then I was all like "wtf it's just aliases and variables?" and the video in my crazy mind said. "Of course it is, because the way your crazy mind works everything runs backwards." and then I thought to myself "Wow, I do think backwards....I have been making aliases and variables all this time and only now understand that it is related to the phenomena called scripting that I always told myself over the years, and this is where it gets real crazy because I actually thought as the me that I was thinking of, "Meh, I'll look it up one day when it seems important, right now? Kill rats and look sane!!!" and now you know. Good day sir." After that long thought process that really took a couple of second I was like yay I learned something that I already sort of knew because I had already been doing it.

    This probably makes no sense so to summarize.

    (╯° _°)╯︵ ┻━┻ It's all the same damn thing!

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