With the war ongoing between multiple cities, people posting about leading raids, and Dunn/Sabiru posts in another thread, I figured that I'd post this for discussion and make things interesting for everyone and not continue in the wrong thread. Just a few things from a raid leader:
A: it gets boring being one of a small collective of people that lead raids. I like to participate in raids when I'm not the leader too and I usually have way more fun this way.
B: even though I put off in-game that I don't care about killing people, especially Mhaldorians, I still hate it when people follow me when I'm doing stupid shit and die as a result. When I say don't follow me you should really listen.
C: Again, quit following me unless I tell you to
I think that list could go on but you can see the anger is pointed in the general direction of the Naga, failures of Mhaldor. I hope we ban them soon or atleast give them to Targossas. We'd win constantly after they keep flubbing up Targossas' operations.
Mhaldorians and non-Mhaldorians alike constantly quake at the thought of leading any kind of raid party, which I never understood. They may not literally quake in their boots but no one will ever step up fast in order to take the reigns. This isn't just a Mhaldor-centric issue either as I have seen it other places and see it daily when the same people lead over and over again.
I think I will start by telling you I am not a top tier fighter. I would say I'm top of the non-top tiers and when I'm lucky the low end on top tier, but if I have to tell you this then I'm not top tier. I panic all the time and I have great ganksense (it tingles when Targ gets near) but my Miziksense (this is a real term) needs work. I happen to understand the subtleties of Apostate well enough and Dragon is supremely easy-mode that I do well. In teams Apostate is ridiculously deadly, but not in the general kill-em-with-damage sense.
I said that to say this: leading a raiding party whether offense or defense has little to do with how good you are as a fighter, given they do go hand in hand a bit in terms of knowledge about the classes but that's it. Some people just execute well in 1v1 situations. Being a good raid leader has more to do with how well you know your enemies, their abilities, what they can and can't do, and your own partners likewise. This doesn't just mean you know that priests can do this so you'll be good. No, it means in a combat situation you know how a priest can act given any set of circumstances and how you will respond. This actually blurs more when you get larger and larger parties as efforts turn from how to be creative to how to destroy them faster and faster because they're going to do it to us. You've seen massive choke-squads, massive bite-squads, etc. These are all setups to eliminate people immediately. You have to think about how each class meshes with your group and against your group in the raid setting to move forward, which is what will make you shine as a raid leader. Also, don't forget if you're defending a city all the nifty little tools you have at your disposal courtesy of city funds. This alone has helped me shut down raids numerous times as I'm sure others will attest to if anyone even posts here.
You can lead your raid party from afar, as a pansy, and you can do so after you died if you don't care about textperience, which you shouldn't if you really think you can lead. If you care about your textperience then raiding or combat really isn't for you. Seriously, just jump in leading a raid and if you die you can deal with the two consequences of it after you're done. I will give anyone a shot that wants to lead raids as long as they're willing and I will silence douchebags that talk shit afterwards (usually because they're not willing to step up and or suck). See the next paragraph about this point.
There are two issues after the actual raiding situation you will have to deal with: yourself and naysayers, especially when you first start. You can deal with yourself by learning and talking to other people but it's the idiots that either talk behind your back or outright belittle your attempt at raid defense/offense often times on PT. When I started, and even still, people get mad when they die and or you fail horribly. I laugh when I fail and or beat myself up for forgetting something small that gets 30 people killed, which makes me in turn laugh. The funnest times are the horrendously epic fails and they make great logfiles to keep separately and read later. The ultimate example has been me walking a huge legion of Mhaldorians into guards. Yes, hilarity ensued and god people were pissed and no, we weren't trying to kill guards and got demolished. Anyone truly trying to learn how to lead raiding parties or defenses should have people teaching them that will show them what to do as well as handle the aftermath. My common response to naysayers is to hand them the reigns. I've done this a few times and they will usually backpedal immediately or after they realize they didn't want to do it.
It really isn't much harder then this and I honestly believe 1v1 is harder then raiding. FYI: I die all the time, probably more then anyone except Carmain, and yet I'm one of the handful of people that leads the raids and defenses outside the australian/oceanic night time crews.
There is one thing that I didn't include that I should have: having competent people to do their jobs assigned will mean the world. Very small groups of raiders can destroy huge defender groups, or vice versa, because of how well your group operates and the more time you spend together the better things will go, especially at anticipating each others moves.
One quick note: if a raid leader says we got this you've a 90% chance of death. This is all.
The fact that you forgot that was Tanris way of telling us we're going to die means he's been gone too long.
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
And the clocktower destruction.
The voice of Melantha, Goddess of the Seasons, echoes amid the rustle of leaves, "That's the censored version."
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
Mudlet Discord join up
Mudlet Discord join up
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
Mudlet Discord join up
Cascades of quicksilver light streak across the firmament as the celestial voice of Ourania intones, "Oh Jarrod..."
Mudlet Discord join up
i'm a rebel
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.
Killed enough Mhaldorians tonight so I can sleep like a baby.
@DontarionDrakor for twitter boredom.