Which color dragon would you say is best for hunting, and which for pvp.

edited February 2019 in General Questions
Finally after many years of playing I will finally be getting to dragonhood soon. (Probably this weekend.) I'll probably end up going red just because it is favorite color, but I wanted other people's opinion on which color is best for hunting and which for pvp (either single combat or group), and why.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answers

  • edited February 2019 Accepted Answer
    Meet to mark yours as the answer @Taryius. And thanks I had wondered if the info I found from years ago was still accurate. Still think I might go red. Maybe blue, or silver if someone can convince me.
  • edited February 2019 Accepted Answer
    If you're going to hunt, take red first for the larger DoT, by the time you can grind out black or green which have an smaller though quicker DoT, which will be relevant in damage with your level increased critical hitting percentage to replace red by then.


  • Pink. Best dragon color ever.
  • Hunting wise they're all almost identical, with Red being slight on top because their battlerage attack is a DoT (better distribution of crits and less chance of damage wasted).

    PvP wise, Gold is #1 with the highest damage and probably the most powerful breath effect (eq loss), with Blue being a close #2 with slightly lower damage and a breath effect (shivering/frozen affliction) that synergises better with Dragon 1v1 and is better in a few other combat scenarios. 

    Of course any benefit of one colour over the other is still very small at best, and most of your skills as a Dragon won't be effected at all by your colour choice so if one sounds more appealing due to RP or Flavor, don't disregard it just because it isn't the min/max best.
  • edited February 2019
    For hunting: Gold has Aeon and amnesia which reduces the damage the most which is helpful if you need the extra mitigation, blue is pretty close with stun and clumsiness. Silver has sensitivity and recklessness which gives the highest dps boost (black also has sensitivity but it has fear which reduces dps unless you use it to break up groups). Having all the battlerage abilities usable is good as you will get enough rage to keep everything on cooldown anyway.

    If you are group hunting though, the best colour will be whatever gets the extra damage from the affliction boost for the second attack. Incidentally, red doesn't have a DoT, though black and green do.

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S5Z6xM7tj7PZDT8-MHcV0vYZtoBs8qHnUs5v1HP-XBk/edit?usp=sharing has a quick and dirty breakdown of the brage attacks.
  • Accipiter said:
    If you are group hunting though, the best colour will be whatever gets the extra damage from the affliction boost for the second attack. Incidentally, red doesn't have a DoT, though black and green do.
    When did red loose their DoT?
  • Thanks everyone, it does just seem that the colour is mostly a flavor then anything so I'll probably still end up with red first. Thanks again!
  • Red never lost their DoT, not sure what she means.

    Gold is good for PvP because psychic resist isn't as readily available, but less than the other dragons because aeon and amnesia are very pricey aff rages.

    Silver and black are both nice for PvP too, because lightning and unblockable resists are also rarer, and both come with sensi for extra DPS.
  • Gold is obviously the best because gold.
    Deucalion says, "Torinn is quite nice."
  • Bah, inconstant AB files and being too lazy to test strikes again, red black and green all have DoTs, but I am unsure of the utility of it since you pay for it upfront on a balanceless ability.
  • Torinn said:
    Gold is obviously the best because gold.
    Naaahhhh gold is boring. Red though I'm gonna sets the world on fiaaaaaaa.
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