IT Research Paper

I have a 4 page research paper on any current IT topic, I was thinking about doing the resurgence of ARM processors, however I'd really like to interview someone who works with them for the paper. If I can't find anyone that works with them, I would like another topic to research... and that's why I'm here.... Need some good topics related to Information Technology. @Sarapis @Tecton @AnyAchaeans-DivineWorkinginIT


  • You take part in an online text based rpg. There might be something here that you can right about, plus you may be able to interview some of the admin. I got the chance to when I was doing my studies and some of the answers I got were very surprising.
    Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my hounds!
    Krenim: Hounds? How cliche.
    Janeway: Tuvok! *clapclap* Release my rape gorilla!
    Krenim: ...We'll show ourselves out.
  • I'm open to pretty much any IT topic. I have to get it approved by the instructor, but, I highly doubt many people (in my class) would do a paper on the science behind a MUD.

  • TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
    Sorry, we're on x86 arch here at IRE! If you have any other topics, feel free to drop me an email, and I'll see if I can help you out (time-willing)!
  • At this point I'd do a paper on the game engine... Behind the 8ball due to class being delayed 2 weeks but the assignment due dates haven't been adjusted.

  • You have a myriad of options that you could chose from. My advice is to do something that you can do a lot of research on and fit the four pages. I'd also recommend do something highly interesting. And what -you- know. 

    I'm actually trying to get an IT internship while going to school this semester. You could even doing the hardware infrasturture concepts. Just whatever sticks out to you. 

  • Yeah I sent in the proposal as follows

    I would like to research ARM processors, their history, current usage, and potential for usage in devices outside of their normal range. Specifically I want hope to learn if ARM processors are viable for desktop and/or server usage along side their usage in mobile computing devices

    Pretty short, but it meets the criteria he set for a proposal. If he accepts or rejects it is another story....

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