What Happened To You Today?



  • This was a first. I got jumped while bashing here while I was fighting someone in Aetolia and oh boy you want to talk about someone panicking. I was smashing keybinds that didn't exist here and typing out non existent aliases in Aet and it was super confusing. Probably the first time I've gotten combat shakes in a long while.

    Luckily the guy jumping me here gave up after the 400th shield >.>
  • Viho said:
    This was a first. I got jumped while bashing here while I was fighting someone in Aetolia and oh boy you want to talk about someone panicking. I was smashing keybinds that didn't exist here and typing out non existent aliases in Aet and it was super confusing. Probably the first time I've gotten combat shakes in a long while.

    Luckily the guy jumping me here gave up after the 400th shield >.>
    Dat's wut u git bro

  • Got stuck in a room with Hirst, Dunn and Jhui. Shat myself. Typed my alias for ride home. Came out of recklessness and wept with joy :D
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Hit level 82!

  • Totally got to play in an event thingy, kinda. I'm a bit bummed I wasn't around for the uber crazy everyone-vs-everyone pvp, but s'been fun all the same :D
  • Anedhel said:
    Totally got to play in an event thingy, kinda. I'm a bit bummed I wasn't around for the uber crazy everyone-vs-everyone pvp, but s'been fun all the same :D
    Looks like you were giving @Jinsun a run for a bit too!
  • @Puxi man I was trying to get to Avianca but she had like three cities covering her. I got bored and jumped @Anedhel which pissed him off and made the whole process more difficult. I ended up killing like 6-7 people and dying several times before I finally got a chance to fight Avianca 1 v 2. Took forever to even get those odds, but I killed her, damnit.
  • I'm rusty, I died to Truenames :(. Still, the other time we fought without traps around or anything, I got even, and went 3-1 on the day with @Jinsun, so s'all good.
  • Yeah my fights with you weren't my best no bells whistles or tricks. Figured if I let you get your kicks in I'd be able to move on to my target. As someone who rarely fights anymore,  it's a good feeling to pick off 6 people from groups to get to one. Even if it meant dying a ton. I know towards the end Id just target other group members until they ran away and the group was smaller 
  • Barely escaped a gank by @Antidas while on my phone lol. That snap just before disconnect tho. We can duel when I get home. The pickpocket x 9001 was uncalled for tho :(

  • Bann said:
    Barely escaped a gank by @Antidas while on my phone lol. That snap just before disconnect tho. We can duel when I get home. The pickpocket x 9001 was uncalled for tho :(
    Fyi, it wasn't a gank, it was a theft, I wasn't going to attack you - and you really can't QQ when you're being robbed. Breach of HELP HONOR, and is an issuable offense, considering I had started about 30 seconds before you began to QQ. Just saying, bro :/

  • Epic Avatar backfire. Knew Bleak was going to jump me so I had the power qued up waiting to fire. Hit it and demons said lol we don't work for you. Even I laughed.


  • With a bunch of the avatar powers saying the are very discriminating (like that Sartan one) i thought it meant it wouldnt affect Sartai/Mhaldorians. Not the writer being unhelpfully sarcastic.
  • Antidas said:
    Bann said:
    Barely escaped a gank by @Antidas while on my phone lol. That snap just before disconnect tho. We can duel when I get home. The pickpocket x 9001 was uncalled for tho :(
    Fyi, it wasn't a gank, it was a theft, I wasn't going to attack you - and you really can't QQ when you're being robbed. Breach of HELP HONOR, and is an issuable offense, considering I had started about 30 seconds before you began to QQ. Just saying, bro :/
    Well, I was on my phone, lol. Buying a recliner and a washer/dryer lol. I saw the two pickpockets, waited a minute and nothing happened, then hit qq. Saw you snap just before it dc'd, and tbh, I wasn't about to log back in while I was on my phone just so you could steal all my shit with impunity. If you're gonna issue me over it, feel free!

  • AhmetAhmet Wherever I wanna be
    I got rekt by a War Witch.
    Huh. Neat.
  • The moment when you lead that kamikaze group into Ashtan... and then like... dont actually go anywhere and everyone just sits there spamming their attacks because we thought we moved.... and then the leader dies... and then everyone is like... wtf... we didn't move... and i'm like oh... sorry. 

    Ha.... damn ... skeeelz.

  • A certain soon-to-be shrub throwing shade in tells, when he couldn't backstab his way out of a wet paper bag. Love it.
         He is a coward who has to bring two friends as backup to jump people hunting.

  • Szanthax said:
    The moment when you lead that kamikaze group into Ashtan... and then like... dont actually go anywhere and everyone just sits there spamming their attacks because we thought we moved.... and then the leader dies... and then everyone is like... wtf... we didn't move... and i'm like oh... sorry. 

    Ha.... damn ... skeeelz.
    God, that woulda been so slick too, but you had to go and FUCK IT ALL UP. Nah bro, all good, I laughed my ass off.
  • I bought myself a level 3 crit pendant today.

    Life is good.

    Now I need a sip ring. :'(
  • Patroklos said:
    Szanthax said:
    The moment when you lead that kamikaze group into Ashtan... and then like... dont actually go anywhere and everyone just sits there spamming their attacks because we thought we moved.... and then the leader dies... and then everyone is like... wtf... we didn't move... and i'm like oh... sorry. 

    Ha.... damn ... skeeelz.
    God, that woulda been so slick too, but you had to go and FUCK IT ALL UP. Nah bro, all good, I laughed my ass off.

  • I've gotten very good at hitting someone about three times then running away the past couple days. It's a lot of fun. :grin:

    Omor Ceberek - Targossas

    got gud
  • Antidas said:
    Patroklos said:
    Szanthax said:
    The moment when you lead that kamikaze group into Ashtan... and then like... dont actually go anywhere and everyone just sits there spamming their attacks because we thought we moved.... and then the leader dies... and then everyone is like... wtf... we didn't move... and i'm like oh... sorry. 

    Ha.... damn ... skeeelz.
    God, that woulda been so slick too, but you had to go and FUCK IT ALL UP. Nah bro, all good, I laughed my ass off.
    The feels are real. :'( Top it off with the fact that @Austere saved @Vender's bacon because we didn't try to yank him onto a monolith....So much disappointment had. I'm glad Artemis wasn't watching, 'cause She'd have zapped me on principle.
  • Once again the Coalition choked on killing people, @Seragorn came in to try and kill me. So I pit his honkey ass. Sorry @Ailea, you were a casualty of war, but I think putting Sera out of commission for a bit was worth it. Plus, the irony of pitting a Nihilist was too good to pass up. Do note, Seragorn was shrouded, but he confirmed after.

    An exultant laugh rips from you as you spread your arms wide, unleashing the devouring essence of
    the Outer Cold.
    Cracks spider throughout the air, and the fabric of Creation gives a great groaning, ripping sound
    as the fell pit of Golgotha sunders the Prime Material. Sulphur and screams boil up from within its
    loathsome depths, a prelude of the impending fate of all that bear witness.
    The Pit of Golgotha suddenly flares in size!
    Ailea is drawn screaming into the Pit of Golgotha.
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