If you don't want people to murder everything then stop lining their pockets with gold.
Also, denizens are not the same as adventurers in any aspect of the game...this faux outrage over their wellbeing is ridiculous every time it comes up.
Like... first you guys say that if someone don't want to be chased around, then don't get into combat situations in the first place. I agree with that, it does make sense... But now you are forcing PK into non-coms who just want to level and get experience? Like... why even? Denizens are a part of the world, yes, but it was you guys who made 'denizen murderhobo' a standard way of levelling and gaining experience for all these years that Achaea existed (outside of PKing that is and maybe hunting seamonsters). Don't ruin it for people who just enjoys hunting.
I really do hope that those 'high profile denizens' are limited to honours mobs only because if it is the random chief of some village around or whatever that people hunts to just level and get experience then this is going to be really crappy. Well, except for the marks of course who will rejoice in killing a bunch of easy targets to pump their scores.
Like, I do get that you have to please your PK whales so they don't leave the game and continue throwing money at you, but don't do that at the expense of your other players.
I can't wait for those two Dauntless NPCs to get contracts put out on them.
The main thing I like of this update is that there are actual consequences to wiping out a denizen village/town. I mean, you're coming through like a homicidal maniac, killing them in the streets and in their homes, there should be consequences.
I do agree bounty hunter denizen should scale to the individual they're hunting, so it's an actual challenge and threat, but, if you beat them, eyyyyy!, cool for you. The prey bested the hunter. Maybe they drop a bit of gold to make it worth the battle, but not near enough to make it worth the whole ordeal of getting hunted. I mean, you shouldn't look forward to being hunted down for murdering a village. Unless your character is evil like that, I suppose.
Though, if there's a hunter for the Forest Watch buckawns, I'll just have to get good enough to beat them. I dislike the buckawns so much, and won't stop hunting them just cause a target is pasted to my back. They're evil.
The intricacies PVP and ship stuff flies so far over my head though, it might collide with an airplane. Guess I may learn the hard way. Good practice though...
"Because killing a mob that otherwise has no connection to the world"
This introductory statement is the primary issue with the logic being presented....denizens are being viewed as bashing fodder, and not part of the living world.
This change, the BIG RED WARNINGS, the presented effect is to demonstrate that they DO have a connection to the world.
Ammar said:
@synthus: What punishment would you deem fair and just then?
First time is a warning, after that your character gets a Collar of Pacification slapped on them. The collar prevents you from taking any aggressive action against players, similar to walking in grace. Each time you have to have it put on, the amount of time grows longer and longer, and for those that do really egregious attacks, like breathraining or waving crossroads/CC/atop, it gets slapped on permanently.
If you can't take the time to properly assess your targets and ensure you are only attacking enemy combatants, then you don't need to be attacking.
Now, I realize that brings into question "Well, what about a non-combatant standing in with the defenders?" At that point, a non-combatant needs to move to a safe area. If they are standing in the room with the defenders for an extended period of time, they are not protected. If the defenders get pushed into a room with non-combatants, then it is on the enemies to discern who is and isn't an enemy and target appropriately.
And if you read that and say, "That's just killing all the fun of it" well then, welcome to the game for those of us that don't like PK and have it shoved on us, getting told to hide on a ship or log out or go journal or otherwise not play the game when it happens. 😕
Like slipping on an old coat. Though one of the buttons on my coat seem to be missing.
RIP lol button. I'll never forget you.
Still my favorite Tahquil!
Shecks, I havent had time to login since the changes so take this w a grain of salt, but pretty much all of your options either put more people at risk (you and Atalkez can't be around all day), or force people specifically trying NOT to opt in to PvP for various reasons into PvP.
IDGAF about dying (but I enjoy trying to make it difficult if I can). I have started and restarted a "system" about 100x so if I want to log in and work on it so I CAN get into PvP more, I don't want someone dropping in and murderballing me (because they almost aleays do it when I have a shitty loop that rekx me.). I can totally see how that would turn off newer players. I generally enjoyed being able to come back after my years off and ease into everything. It also fits pretty well with my mostly-retired-from-fighting RP until I have time to get back into it, wgich may never happen at this point, but being dragged in while specifically only engaging in defense/some offense (retal) is a massive turnoff.
tl;dr: I understand the point of the changes and dont disagree 100% w them but I sympathize with those who do not want to engage in PvP for whatever reason.
@shecks it's not even about pve or pvp is my suggestion for npc marks. It's about the ability to scale and give pve ers a chance to fight back on a style they are knowledgeable in and not just Mizik/Eryl/whoever is mark these days steamroll over someone because the pissed of the goblin village.
No offense to those guys. But they are pretty much assured death.
Before someone says JuSt LeArN CoMbAt fuck you. That's all. Just, fuck you.
(BTW, if people wanna say my opinion is bias because I don't want to be hunted by marks : these changes make no difference to me because of the places I choose to hunt.)
I'm a little worried about the IC aspects of it. Like, if Duke Semiro hires a Mark--what does that say about the role of the Mark organisations in the world? They were founded on Sapience; are they known (and trusted) on Meropis too? How did they gain that trust? If one of the chieftains on Earth Plane hires a Mark--are the Marks known across planes? If Blackrock hires a Mark--don't their beliefs say not to rely on anyone but Evil?
In some cases, the response could be something else. I would expect more powerful (or more prideful) societies to take matters into their own hands rather than rely on Marks to defend them. Some communities may be more open to alliances--Mysia might want to forge ties with POM, for example, so they'd take care of their defense that way. Others may have an enemy status that persists until it is revolved. There are lots of different ways the conflict could play out.
Lastly, I'm not sure why the emphasis on communities (e.g. You have fulfilled the contract on X on behalf of Mysia). A denizen like Hycanthus, for example, is notable enough to respond to simply being murdered out of the blue, but isn't in any particular village. Not powerful ones like Z though (or Yudhi, who explicitly welcomes duels). That said, it would be kind of funny if a group of 10 took out Z and then he came after them one by one.