Sylvo -Wolf’s answer to "Sylvan" combat in Achaea

While I’ve enjoyed learning to code several times over the many years, this is an "old man’s" attempt to give back to the community. I would like to deeply thank Hikagejuunin and his band of misfits for all their hard work. For if it were not for finding the Loki system, I do not feel my attempts would be as progressed as they are. This slimmed down, basic sylvan offensive system, hopefully gives those that are typically more non-combatant but wish to try, as another functional framework to expand upon. It was my intention to build it in a way that could hopefully be "easily" converted to other classes.

Install the latest release through the Package Manager: [ ](


  • for any that have taken a look, it is now, independent of curing systems

  • Knightwolf, much obliged to you. *tip* It would be meaningful to me in some small measure to give you a token of my appreciation.

    A male voice is heard through the membrane, "Hey, girl."

    A male voice is heard through the membrane, "Are you an Apostate? ..because you just tore my heart out."

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