Question about PKs

So, this is more out of hope for a little clarification than I have been able to draw from the help files.

PKs: Seems like they are said to be a no-no unless you have some IC backing and buildup. Situations I could imagine are things like 1. This person has been pickpocketing me 2. This person has been threatening me. 3. Order scuffles or turmoil 4. My superiors told me to do it. 5. You broke into my house. And, then of course, raid situations.
These are some of the reasons I could see the PKs being appropriate, expected and completely justified.

However, it doesn't seem like that idea of role-play is always held in mind as a guide when some PKs happen. And I'm not referring to times when you're in the open PK zones like the treacherous planes. Just every day hunting grounds or even more or less neutral places like Delos.
In these types of instances, what do people tend to do? Lay down and take it (This also could perpetuate terrible role play ethics going unchecked)?
Hire assassins or marks even though that might, in turn, give them an -actual- reason to continue to pester?
Issue reports about it? The help files seems to push you towards not reporting it, the way I interpreted it.
I'm curious. It all seems pretty vague to me. I could use some player-base input.


  • This is my opinion only.  Just want to say that up front.

    What I think most people should do in the case of unwanted to pk, in order of preference:

    1.  Take reveng yourself if able.
    2. Hire a mark ( marks need contracts, they like them )
    3.  If it is truly harassment and happens multiple times, then I think it's okay to issue.

    I personally would just take revenge myself, but that's me.  And I fully realize not everyone likes combat.  But I think unless it's truly something you feel is unfair harassment, you should leave it IC and avoid issues.  Just my opinion though.

  • 6. Membership in the army of city at war.

    This is another valid reason, I believe, but may not be your specific concern
  • If you think you have a valid reason to kill someone, do it. Everybody gets issued eventually, so don't let that put you off.

    Also, if you're in a city that's in active conflict with another city and you're bored, go sit at defendable and call it a raid, then you can PK whoever you want from that city with impunity.

  • I once pk'd a guy for a good week when he stepped outside of a city or a ship because he called my IC mother a 'whore'. 

    You really only need a reason to kill someone that's somewhat justifiable. You can try to stick to the old pk laws as guidelines, but you're pretty much left to your own devices to choose what is and isn't a reason.

    So I wouldn't shank someone over having horrible dress sense, they could kill me for it if they wanted to though since I really just wear what is around or stick to boots and robe along with a mish-mash of assorted arties. But if they picked up gold off the ground after I kill a denizen and don't apologize or offer to return it back I will take that as an offense and I will go out and kill them. Just to be clear though, if they apologise I usually let them keep the gold since it's the cost of doing business in a trigger-filled world, i'm ok with that.

    Anyway, you shouldn't get issued for killing someone just once. If they feel it was a horrible reason they still should be seeking an IC resolution first. So they'll either jump you, gank you or hire on you. Issue'ing first is a sure way to get that issue thrown out for lack of seeking an IC resolution. If you killed the person ten times in the last two hours you probably will lose the issue though.
  • Yep. There is only really one PK rule now: "Don't be a jerk."

    Sure, there's a lot of differing interpretation about what that constitutes, but I've personally been pleasantly surprised by how well 'new PK' has been handled by 99.9% of the playerbase.  If you have a justification for attacking/killing somebody, then do it. If they're any kind of decent player, they'll either deal with it maturely or ask you WTF in some reasonable manner. If you're any kind of decent player and they genuinely don't understand why you attacked/killed them, then you'll find some appropriate way to explain it to them.

    If they still issue, despite your having acted decently, it will probably* be thrown out by the Admin, or you'll get Told Off(TM). In this case the other person is probably the kind of douchebag that you don't really want to interact with anyway, so even if you have good reason to kill them again in future, it probably isn't worth the headache. So just leave them alone, because there are plenty of other, reasonable people to interact with.

    And life's too short.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • SkyeSkye The Duchess Bellatere
    Nemutaur said:
    If you killed the person ten times in the last two hours you probably will lose the issue though.
    You know, I've always wondered. Supposing the person has been jumping you for the past 2 hours, except you're the one managing to kill him but you're sick and tired of him constantly bothering you. Can you still issue for harrassment >_>

  • Skye said:
    Nemutaur said:
    If you killed the person ten times in the last two hours you probably will lose the issue though.
    You know, I've always wondered. Supposing the person has been jumping you for the past 2 hours, except you're the one managing to kill him but you're sick and tired of him constantly bothering you. Can you still issue for harrassment >_>
    Assuming you've asked him to stop, and assuming he doesn't have any good reason for griefing jumping you for 2 hours? Sure you can. There is nothing more annoying than a troll alt that'll happily spend 2 hours newbie kicking people for no good reason. They're being a Jerk.
    Tvistor: If that was a troll, it was masterful.
    I take my hat off to you.
  • StrataStrata United States of Derp
    Win or lose, always fight back as best you can. Don't ever stand there and just let someone kill you.
  • Thanks guys. Hearing your voice on the matter makes things a lot more reasonable and clear in my mind.
    I just sort of felt a little confused about the line, or if there even really was one!

  • When in doubt, CITY CHARGE HISTORY (person). You can find a reason.

  • Strata said:
    Win or lose, always fight back as best you can. Don't ever stand there and just let someone kill you.
    Much more badass to just stand there and watch them fail at killing you.
  • Yeah but when your character hasn't even transed one skillset... it's not really so easy to be baddass >_> You're just weak sauce in a world of artifacts.

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