Testing opportunity: Magi

TectonTecton The Garden of the Gods
We're looking at bringing in some new testers in for some changes to the Magi class. If you've got extensive experience flinging holocaust bombs, dropping the stormhammer, and spinning those phat beats vibes, please drop me an email (tecton@achaea.com) with your history as a magi!


  • Anyone else have trouble with modesty in this email, and has anyone been chosen yet? Still no word and I swear I am hitting refresh on my email every two minutes.  At least send me an "lolno" :(
  • TharvisTharvis The Land of Beer and Chocolate!
    Austere said:
    Anyone else have trouble with modesty in this email, and has anyone been chosen yet? Still no word and I swear I am hitting refresh on my email every two minutes.  At least send me an "lolno" :(
    I don't even know what to write
    Aurora says, "Tharvis, why are you always breaking things?!"
    Artemis says, "You are so high maintenance, Tharvis, gosh."
    Tecton says, "It's still your fault, Tharvis."

  • Modesty is for chumps. And no email back yet
  • Aegoth said:
    Modesty is for chumps. And no email back yet
    He said experience with magi,  not experience with shooting delphinium, amirite Ernam? <\dick> Can we still be friends? 
  • Austere said:
    Aegoth said:
    Modesty is for chumps. And no email back yet
    He said experience with magi,  not experience with shooting delphinium, amirite Ernam? <\dick> Can we still be friends? 
  • Aegoth said:
    Austere said:
    Aegoth said:
    Modesty is for chumps. And no email back yet
    He said experience with magi,  not experience with shooting delphinium, amirite Ernam? <\dick> Can we still be friends? 
    Cheer up, buttercup. You are probably better in retardation than I am.  You should definitely get a pass.  

    Can we use skill witnesses? @Makarios‌ can attest to my holocaust flinging abilities from Anarchaea, assuming he remembers. 
  • Modesty? Application will be like 'Hi my character is Ayoxele.'
  • I think what you just did to me is illegal to do to a 12 year old ;(
  • 12 year olds can get rekt too

    Penwize has cowardly forfeited the challenge to mortal combat issued by Atalkez.
  • Atalkez said:
    12 year olds can get rekt too

This discussion has been closed.